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 No.31879[Last 50 Posts]

>The first trailer for #ELDENRING Shadow of the Erdtree will be revealed in 16 hours. Join us at 15:00 UTC.


Ok, but when is the release though???


my bet is summer #doompill


:pog: :pog:


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Elden georges we are SO back


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why is the hand black?


he's tarnished


bruuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh we got scammed


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lappkings won


lol it was true


make theories about who the guy on throne is
I think he may be a heir of mohgwyn dynasty or something


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the collector's edition promo reveals his name.


another major character with name beginning with a letter of GRRM initials
but it's totally coincidence


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I think he's the leader of the drake knight guys and Miquella's brother too probably because he looks like him


leather glove


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he literally says his own name in the trailer


Japanese mythology vibes


Holy FUCK they teased release date in AC6 (621)


is that an https://e621.net/ reference?


so this is where yukari whale comes from


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This could be inspired by kodamas from mononokehime, the face and general idea of a spirit in a dark forest are similar
and it wouldn't be the first time they got inspired by it (the gun fort and snake eyes in sekiro, torrent and possibly elden beast in er)


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the new weapons seem crazy cool fr, I was hoping they'd make something more unique like they did in DS3 dlc and they did
the type of shield tarnished is using in Messmer fight part existed in real life btw


Sorry Elden Cockring, you lost


Comcast hire this man


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when you put banished knight armor (altered) on a female character


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Time to start a new playthrough


got 4 heckin toons ready for dlc but won't be doing 5th one because I don't want to burn out


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here are my niggas
str + faith
and str


Pekora is doing a new playthrough!!!


lol moongrum destroyed her


again xd


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uminegro reference???


there's witch Beatrice in Dark Souls 1


there's witch Beatrice in Dark Souls 1


there's witch Beatrice in Dark Souls 1


lol my triple sent post shows in index but not here


oh I can see them now


I probably broke something idk


>In the Lands Between, the small were scorned, and so they formed their vulgar militia as a means to make a living, albeit in ignominy.
>Milos was undersized for a giant, and was viewed as sullied and terribly grotesque.
why did they add blackpill to this game


They wanted their art to imitate life or the other way around or something like that or however


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irl incels should form a militia too instead of arguing about hairloss online


Mohg's name in japanese can be read as mog…


that reminds me that the name of Raime (fume knight from DS2) in japanese is Reimu


Dark souls 4 in a few days


The one thing I dislike in these fan projects is how everything has to be extremely derivative instead of the creators letting themselves be a little creative and coming up with new lore
A character is mentioned in item's name? Add him as a boss. A character mentions a kingdom? Add it too. This is what differentiates official from amateur stuff


Arent they also rehashing assets too? The whole point of the souls series is spectacle at this point so it kinda renders it pointless


this is why the west needs dovjin spirit
unfortunately most people that make fan games have 0 culture and even if they added original shit it would be just completely inferior to what the original authors intended


asset reuse is essential because big game small company or something of that sort


I mean the mods…


it's cool to see enemies from other games ported tbqh


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>Dark souls 3 Dante mod



did the modders figure out the way to have online without getting softbanned, that's insanae
still would rather play on alt account just in case


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this is CRAZY there's actually a new intro


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truthnuke (im boozin rn)


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>goes on soyjak party once


a bonfire exploded and crashed my game and now it crashes every time I load save
nice mod


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there's, like, a place called catacombs of carthus in dark souls 3
and item description say it was a desert
so now you get to explore it!!


Peter Griffin family guy who the hell cares gif


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the wild strikes skill from elden ring is in :O


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mini deep accursed
mini deep accursed


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dungeon from elden ring in dark souls 3 holy fuck
remember these games have no official modding tools


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Is there multiplayer?


yes there are messages and coop but no pvp items in demo


sadly the mod has a huge problem of 3 out of 5 areas being overtuned and it feels like going out of undead settlement straight to archdragon peak when it comes to enemy hp and damage


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mod crashes for me on launch


try replacing your ds3 exe with the one linked in description, it fixed crashes for me


it worked ty sis


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I gave myself a lothric greatsword +10 for this


wake up babe new new ac soundtrack with bonus tracks dropped


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Is this elden ring


too anime-like


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replaying the game to get ready for dlc not much longer now, the muscle memory is real


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also whenever i read discussion on it i notice everyone uses controller, ive been using keyboard and honestly ive tried controller and its much harder for me desu


controller feels easier because you have more than 8 directions of rolling


and older games had recommendation to use controller on steam store page


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i never used it either, keyboyard is more than enough to control the character and camera for me


rolling into and from the enemy are the only two true options
yeah controller feels too limiting for all the actions i have macros on my mouse for easy attacks and skills



Former FromSoftware employee Yuka Kitamura joins Touhou Project fan game "Fantasy Strategy Record - The Touhou Empires -"

You can also enjoy original music written by Kitamura, who has worked on music for Elden Ring, and Touhou arranged music. A new demo version will also be released on February 6th.


shame im too retarded to get into rts games


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new concept art


new trailer soon
a "story trailer"… will it be a prerendered movie?


Stop enjoying things


But is it going to have a line as iconic as the LOATHSOME DUNG EATER


I have come to conclusion that Dung Eater hated Golden Order because he was ugly
it's known that people who were different were hated (like >>36190), possibly because different=nonhuman=not blessed by grace (omens, misbegotten), so naturally poopboy hated all the discrimination and was proud to identify himself as omen because humans suck or something


keep enjoying things
one more month



there is word going around that ecelebs got to play it during offline previews so (speculation) we might see some new gameplay soon or at least hear impressions (end of speculation)


this is footage the ecelebs who got to play it got, idk if it's everything and if there's unedited version without moonrunes


new reused asset noticed: the bug guys from ashes of ariandel, they even have the same grab attack


Thats just like in my japanese hentais


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there's a sword with anime moveset called Milady


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thank you for your service


>is called Melina
>Isn't melaninated


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youtube showed me the final boss on the front page xD





damn i havent reached the mohg palace yet with my new character i could just take a previous one but i dont wanna


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Sex with ranni


i wish i could kill this dumb bitch so much, closest i can get is getting to the end of her quest and slapping her then i dont get the appeal


you can ride horse in the final bossfight of base game now


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>6 more hours
wtf FromSoft I took my day off of work for this


Oh nononono…wagie bros, this isnt happening to us..


why that wasnt a thing initially is beyond me


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they're friendly



new weapons are bangers


ghost tapeworms


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>spirit chewin


ugh finally sold enough steam cards to be able to buy this
Lets see whats this dlc is all about…


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i checked again but gabe sama refuses to allow me to send you gifts


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Its whatevah i`ll just pirate whatever i want and cant buy (due to region lock, im still sitting on a pile of cash anyways) desu


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gay desu thats how it be, its not like obama didnt drone strike hundreds of civilians and nobody region blocks him
but i digress


Forgot how to warp


g f r enter


nevermind the map how do i take a weapon in 2 hands


hold e and left click if i remember correctly


that worked thanks


ur welcome have fun with the dlc i will probably not be able to get started on it for another good month or so i must now slumber in order to be a good wagie now


bant TF2 reference


Found odachi ^O^


you know what I'm tired of modern fromsoft boss design
give me new ac, at least I get to attack there


The only one i fought so far was gaol kn*ght something, he had pretty aids damage but i parried him hard desu. Does it gets worse from there? I think i stopped just before the chinese horse boss.


get ready for niggas who attack 10 times per second and you have position yourself in right way to not get rollcatched by second swing


the area design is cool though


>they were never saints, they just happened to be on the losing side of the war
they got putin to write dialogue


So wait are you supposed to use the blessing things? i thought they were the scrub one-time use items to lower the difficulty


yes this is the leveling system in new area


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okay guys which one of you left this trvke here?




So what the fuck are you even supposed to do when unholy niggerbeast starts casting his fuck-you electric/frost storm shit? just run away from him? because everytime i try to stay close and actually get a hit i get hit by lightning bolt/frost shit or whatever


You talking about the dancing Chinese dragon thing?
Idk I just used Redmane oleg and the chick summon outside the door to tank him while I potshot him as a mage


kill yaself scrub
im not gonna summon


Just use the mimic tear bro


I hope demons stake niggerzaki in asshole in hell
Repeatedly, and with a passion


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I just did jumping attacks with a big hammer to stun it as fast as possible
these nufrom boss movesets are so unintuitive, fuck learning them


You. Did. Not. Beat. The. Game.


What do you mean comet azure nuking isn't beating the game?


>poke boss once
>panic roll as far away as possible from ROLLCATCH-ROLLCATCH-DELAYED ROLLCATCH-TEN HIT ANIME COMBO-ONE HIT KILL bullshit move boss does to you
>repeat ad infinitum
Its all so tiresome
I sure wish i was playing vengeance right now




previous games had bosses like "I loved this shit, I want to fight that nigga again" all the time but they are very rare in ER, most of the time it's "thank god it's finally over" type of bosses
Mohg is awesome though and I hope the DLC has a boss as good as him


the dlc still rocks because of how huge and full of content the world is, I was expecting this kind of world structure in the base game


im gonna explore further once i destroy the twin moon bitch desu, not sure where else to go now because i seemingly explored everything i could


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Miyazaki for fuck's sake


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Hand it over….that thing….your dark feet


almost managed to bring messmer to 3/4 hp after 20th try


Viggers told me hes easy doe




I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
actually semi-decent boss but phase 2 is too unreadable


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this place looks heckin beautiful


niggerbosses in dlc really makes me want to drop this shit game
i`ll probably play it for a while more but honestly the moon bitch was nearly quite enough for me


go to the big castle in new area there's a fun boss there early :)


which ng are you in btw, I've heard scaling on higher new games is giga brutal
I'm ng+1 and bosses have fuckhuge health bars but it might be the same on ng since normal enemies die quickly


going to explore stuff first so i could get every skibiditree fragment possible
The bullies cant touch me if i stack damage mitigation up high enough


I never beat niggerbeast (elden beast), so first one
Dancing lion had more or less as much hp as any endgame boss i guess, its Renalla who was bloated as fuck i think, something about 20k hp? Anytime i procced bleed on her it did like 3500 or something damage




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they are not friendly, THEY ARE NOT FRIENDLY


I was giga sleepy falling asleep in front of pc then found a plant whose description says it puts you to sleep then went into a cave with enemies that give you sleep


are you using some item that has lower hp as downside or did you hug fia


i have her blessing in my inventory i think
I was pretty confused about the icon but that might be it


i just realized elden arcs or whatever exists


Cerulean coast was very empty for how pretty it looked desu


Angi tapeworm


How do you guys kill the burning man? Fucker has like 10x the hp of the fire gaint


hit da legs


took me a while to figure it out
hit it until it falls (need to hear the stun sound 3 times) then crit the face on the side, close to the top


radahn or morgott rune are very good against bosses, more hp is always good


use the heckin blessing, it's 5% less hp when you have it


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where is this from


Of all people I thought you would know that one


hehe I figured out how to kill the golem with armored legs on my own I'm such a genius (a note told me what to do)


iron golem ❌
sigma golem ✅


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dark souls 1 reference :O


there are enemies that look and act like winter lanterns from bloodborne and you can find a bug called winter lantern in that area :OO I fucking clapped


You're doing a wrongthink atm, you're supposed to call fromsoft lazy


Got to baby yoda O<O
This is the first fun bossfight in this dlc probably


the antiwork guy sayed laziness is a virtue


otakuke (otaku + nuke)


>get down to cool finger ruins
>theres nothing down there
Goddammit Miyazaki…at least put a dragon or something in there


i guess there was a boss item replicator doe


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dis nigga is petting his slime…


well that was….something


a guy in different place gives you an item which allows you to use the "bell" and get a talisman
also a summon icon appears there, maybe there is some way to unlock a boss since the lampreys seem too weak to require summoning




nobody here is a moistnigger


I decided to not complain about difficulty because I'm not using the integral part of the game (spirit ashes) (only summoned one guy inside a boss fight because he begged me to and had awesome voice acting)


it's mentioned that bayle injured placidusax in the past, I wonder if that's why placidusax is missing a head


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if you know how to make paper and books then why still use tablets, these niggas deserved to be burned fr


oh upper levels have bookcases with scrolls so these are like giga archival


If ur using hammer stunlock, magic, ashes, shields, summons then your not a real gaymer


i love eleddding elden ring its my favorite video game of the year especially dinosaur


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Yeah i already did this actually, not the boss though


Was that the dragon hunter guy


that area and boss look like something from doom


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ackshully you can still see placidusaxes head clinging to him or something or so the rumour goes


heads i mean


holy shit
can't see shit when every boss is spamming attacks all over the place


Putrescent knight is pretty cool, his design and moveset rocks and hes pretty fun to fight


Ugh time to become a S*R grug i guess since i found meteoric ore blade, this thing almost feels like Astora GS from dks3



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fromsoftware games unironi became picrel, it's impossible to know what's happening on the screen


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da elden ring UI mod when???


this final bossfight is legit terrible, can't see anything


I don't fucking get it are my graphics bugged or something, they didn't test this shit




Skibide of the erdtree is actually good because i get to see streamers rage intensely


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okay what is more shameful
1. using spirit ashes
2. using guides to learn how to access the remaining areas I don't know how to get to in order to get more skibidi fragments


and also
3. watching guides to know how to dodge boss attacks


all 3
but 2bdesu its however you want to play the game


1 is still the gayest
2 is kinda gay but if you`re a completionist and have nothing else to do in the game its understandable
dont know about 3, you can just uhhhh press roll and shit lole, unless its something like Mohgs curse


oh so you did not see the final boss yet…


UGS's really are the easy mode
You just stunlock everything to death other than story bosses, had to fight death knight again and its insanae how much differently it went from my katana try
I didnt even get to messmer yet, been explorang


where do niggas find this stuff I only fought one death knight


One was somewhere in the starting locatoin or around it, the other i found in the catacomb with all the cursed stuff and basilisks, somewhere in the rauh plateau or something near the big red bear boss in the wild


maybe i`ll respec back into quality build from DEX/ARC one


Oh you also get his halberd, i think the first death knight dropped his axes or something


Did you get to the not-Orphan of Kos fight and st. trina yet?


if you mean the skeleton thing from the first trailer then yes
Trina should meet Kaguya


She is more Patchouli-coded methinks, at least in terms of colour scheme


Kaguya is big into sleeping though, imagine her resting on a field of purple flowers




God I want to breed with miquellas bussy


Calm down, Mohg


The Chad radhan vs the virgin mogh


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Chad evendoe he got absolutely DESTROYED by GODlenia…


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Wtf Miyahacki


Do i help hornsent or leda, r/banter?


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is this the requiem for the tranny coffin…


dragonslayer armor flashbacks


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Thats a big one


Can you even dodge madness niggers nuke
If he does that + laser beam its just guaranteed death, 100%


shadow of skibiditree be like:


just run away


his sword catches npc enemies and players with unique animation btw it's awesome


beat the final boss by just spamming their own technique (lion's claw) (giga spoiler)


very disappointing end tbh, hope rest of optional stuff will be better


Yeah i already beat him, hes probably the easiest remembrance boss ive seen so far, just hits like a truck


when the fire appeared in cutscene I immediately thought "holy shit, lord of the frenzied flame" and it was indeed his title


there's new update that massively boosts lower skibidi level bonuses


Ugh finally got to Messmer
Hes VERY weak to bleed so i guess i`ll have to switch to my ugs instead


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*audible chuckle*


reminds me of all the soulful memez from DeS and DaS1 days


tsmt,…ze from fandom has fallen….


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Igons questline really was the absolute (jagged) PEAK of dlc though


the biggest soul however were old niconico videos


I've watched this one sooo many times as a high schooler


So can you actually do anything with the skibiditree chalice, or is it there just to give you 5 seeds? Theres pretty much nothing else in that area so surely its sitting there for a reason?


hold the fucking phone, there are skibidis there?? I'm blind…..


yah past commander gaius bossfight right before the chalice theres like 5 of them


Anyways do i need to progress the story more to get past the black gate in his arena or do some side exploring instead


have mercy for the spirited away shamans or something of that sort


hmm i see
well gonna do that once i wake up i guess and finish the game hopefully


Quelaag, Quelana, Najka and Romina should have a pillow fight with Wriggle, Eternity, Momoyo and Yamame


is my bro scorpion man tarkus invited


I have to read about alchemy and greek philosophy to understand what a "microcosm" is


moids killed on sight


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>Wiemy, że każda żyjąca, myśląca, dialektyczna istota ma we krwi to pragnienie i ten głód. Religia złota jest jedyną, która aż do tej chwili wprawia w ruch i pędzi naprzód całą ludzkość. Nie ma religii, która spowodowałaby więcej męki, bólu i cierpienia. Walka ludzkości toczy się o posiadanie surowców i rynków zbytu. A kiedy posiadanie zostanie już zdobyte, to instynkt pędzi nas dalej, ażeby to posiadanie udoskonalać i pomnażać. To jest pierwotny instynkt całego ludzkiego istnienia. To, czego człowiek w swej najgłębszej istocie pożąda, to jest posiadanie złota! Złoto jest cudem, boskim majestatem. Pierwotną substancją, w której i przez którą istnieje Nieruchome Królestwo Boga, jest złoto. Ciało praczłowieka, niebiańskiego człowieka jest stworzone z tej substancji. Cały boski wszechświat da się wyjaśnić z tego szlachetnego metalu. Ten szlachetny metal jest ponadto podstawą nieskończonej różnorodności wszechobjawienia. Ta prawiedza spoczywa jeszcze ukryta w najbardziej prymitywnym człowieku. Przy pomocy złota można zrobić wszystko! Nasz świat jest bardzo ubogi w złoto i jest też ono bardzo nierównomiernie rozłożone.


>finally got to the last boss
Holy hypebeast!


after you win, read the description of armor you can buy at finger reader then watch base game story trailer


The dodge timing on his gravity dive thing he opens up with sometimes is really awkward desu


that one attack where he pulls you in and does aoe damage is pretty bullshit too, i guess you have to just outrun it which sucks ass for melee builds


you can avoid damage by dodging like 3 times backwards but the timing for 1st dodge is very weird


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nvm he did not kneel


becoming gay after 2 grabs will give you a new gesture btw


btw never connected one of npcs talking about mohg's body disappearing and that one bloodflame attack


his meteorite shot is inconsistent as fuck too, sometimes you can sideroll it and sometimes it just hits you regardless, i suppose that depends on how close you are to him though
i didnt even last 10 seconds in the second phase desu, thought it was safe to punish his normal combo but apparently he has holy aoe to stop you from getting any hits in now
this is beastly lore moment


the holy aoe spam made me just do this >>69865 because I legit couldn't figure it out but watching videos now it seems much easier
the best way to dodge meteors seems to be running away


what the fuck are those moves
i cant see shit


this dlc is basically
first boss

middle bosses

final boss


Ok i can get him to the second phase semi-reliably now, seems like being hyper aggressive is the key here, cant do shit in second phase doe because suddenly all of his moves are completely safe now
yeah i`ll save da cheese for later, he seems pretty doable desu if not for the holy aoe in the second phase
Seems like he has infinite poise too though which is kinda gay
Ahhh i dunno, there was a lot of infuriating mid-game bosses too, Gaius, sunflower, not-Orphan to name a few. Mostly because they play hit and run with you doe or have really inconsistent hitboxes


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What the hell is that
Should i get grabbed again or something?


kirai kirai loving


Im just gonna get to his second phase and try to dodge everything to learn i guess
If i try to actually fight him he just murders me



the last hit on his 6-hit string keeps fucking me up
At least i figured out how to dodge the gravity pull more or less


DLC Boss rating:
Unholy niggerbeast: Dogshit camera, the enhanced version with deathblight is cancer too, 4/10
Rellana: I mean, shes alright? Has some obnoxious i-frames on her dodges, but fairly fun and fair fun nevertheless. 6/10
Messmer: Ugh what if we made a boss who just never stops attacking and has a trillion combo variations wouldnt that be cool? 6/10 because his second phase is somehow easier than the first
Midra: Alright i guess. Hits hard but its your fault if you get hit by him. 6/10
Bayle: Hardcarried by Igon. 7/10 just because of him, otherwise its just a normal from dragon fight.
Putrescent knight: Fuck this nigger from running away from me constantly, literally nigh impossible to punish with an UGS on most moves other than his combo ender and charge combo recovery, at least hes not too hard. 4/10
Romina: I mean, shes alright? Has a fun moveset and not too obnoxiously retarded like some of the other bosses. 7/10.
Metyr: some spazmatic ass attacks, cant really say anything else about it. 5/10.
Commander Gaius: Actually nigh dogshit fight, courtesy of the charge move, hit and run tactics of his, him flailig around like a spazzmatismo and unholy damage on his moves. 2/10.
Sunflower: Pretty gay 3 phases, thorns obscuring vision and wonky hitboxes but the music at last phase made me kinda sad so he gets an extra point :( 6/10
Radahn: The GOAT for me this dlc, epic music, doesnt have many really annoying moves, doesnt runs away from you, gives you enough room to punish, the only bad thing about that fight is second phase can be kinda obnoxious but otherwise an easy 9/10, aint even mad.


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>For pity's sake, your place is in the jar. Nigh-sainthood itself awaits you within. For shamans like you, this is your lot. Life were you accorded for this alone.




first and last boss are the same animal, zaki did it again :o


Whale not blendered enough


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niggas don't abuse sukusuku because they don't have enough human traits


One weird thing i noticed is that bosses sometimes go into a weird recovery cancel animation if you hit them twice or more after their moves and just immideately start attacking you


Hmmm i think my plan for the second phase is to parry his downward swing combo starter because its easiest thing in the world to parry and you want him to attack as little as possible and theres barely any windows to counter attack him anyways


Okay ive been at it for 4 hours already and im at a fucking LOSS on what to do with his second phase, he just doesnt have ANY openings whatsoever. Its a shame really because phase one is a pretty cool fight but its actively ruined by the lightshow and chains of aoe just snuffing out any potential to attack.


everypony's reaction to this boss


Im actually curious how do people even get through it not abusing barricade shield, ive only watched one other guy trying to fight him but he was a caster and even then he had a terrible time. Maybe i`ll just ape Afro`s build and just power through it.


I did this >>69865
3-4 hits and he'd get stunned and I could heal the tanked dmg after riposte


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Miyazaki tongues my anus


I like the hog rider fight but everyone seems to hate it :(


everyone is just wrong :)


I have come to realization that Fromsoftware artstyle is objectively inspired and exceptional because AI is not able to replicate it


maybe art design is the better word here because art style is the way you draw something


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Finally finished the game O<O


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>you;'re only; allowed to post at this thread when you're sleeepy


playing on ng+0 character instead of ng+1 one and damn these bosses are easy
ng+0 = you didn't beat the game


I started the dlc on ng+ again but i dont think theyre that much harder difficultywise

I guess thats because i still have 16 skibidilevels


nvm relly is still hard

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