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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

File: 1697517029654.png (687.15 KB, 1309x734, Saiyan_Facial_Hair.png)

 No.41[View All]

You better not try anything funny.

1. Open tf2
2. Open the console with ` and enter:
3. connect banttf2.ddns.net



>MODS (important) https://tf2.gyate.net/hat/

>FANART (important) https://tf2.gyate.net/fanart/


all lgbt folks are banned
friendly = lgbt

1233 posts and 601 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Pardon the TRIPLE POST, but I think considering the small size of the community, it might be best to have set "events" where we all get on at once or something at a set time (sorta like when the server only ran on sunday or w/e). The arena server I frequent basically only gets played at 9 pm est on Wednesday and Friday and while small we usually get 4-6 regulars and some randos for a few hours and it's fun enough. Considering Koggy is less niche than arena, that burst of people could lead to more people joining since being at 0 players is a cycle of nobody joining


They're angry about this (he means dragon) https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/482464896/#482560885
It looks popular for now, I've treated the server in somewhat of a sink or swim way for ages, but an overarching thing like that could make a difference for you guys
Similar to what I said above, it would have to be the people within the community having initiative that and not me, giving the server to others helps reduce apathy though
The community is objectively really large but 99% of people from 2020 to now stopped playing tf2 so our pants are down (happy pride)


Might be on for an hour. Lets PLAY!!!!


i like playing different maps and when other hoodtaku chads are online


I also partially have been playing less because I got tired of playing the same 5-10 maps

will hop on momentarily

Quickplay is definitely popular I just dislike it myself and I don't like the changes made already


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you'll be back motherfucker


Cmon you only play to get drunk and complain about how bad the game is




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Trutaku culture is dead…


There are usually only people around on weekdays a few hours from now, it's not over yet


u done with playing tf2 yourself or the server? what games are you going to play next



dont click this link it leads to an ip logger and cp O_O;


*boots up proxy*


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one of banned bot hosters


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now time for #MakeHL3


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so much fucking win
i wonder what these retards' next move will be


Is it over?


Hitler has been dethroned. I, Goering, will take the seat of Fuhrer


File: 1719701212069.jpg (969.98 KB, 4032x3024, whale tf2.jpg)

There's a chance it's just getting started.


I have that logitech cobntroller


I think the photo was taken by a japanese then edited to be tf2


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I come back in the US and miss out on playing with you one last time, smell you later hombre


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I made this!


she chad


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at least it lets you buy stuff for delisted games if you have them


Gaben invented points store to sell more fangames for the sake of cool items of thing you like


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I made another one, but with Sonic characters this time!


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if banttf2 dies, we could always migrate to this game




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We did it folks. Reimu Hakurei has officially endorsed Kogasatopia.


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>Hello, Konatabruh here I’d like to give a formal greetings to the community on behalf of me and Utsuho.
>Despite the pessimistic tone in Hombre’s parting message I and Utsuho both hold high expectations for the servers future and will be doing our best to maintain the atmosphere and quality that the server has built under our former masters tenure.
>I don’t see this as us being given the server but rather I see this as Hombre giving the server to its community, and so I and Utsuho both want to try our best to be receptive to the community going forward. Please don’t be afraid to let either of us know how you are feeling about the server whether it be a social, technical or gameplay related issue. Additionally, the ban appeal email has been changed to one I control.
>Finally, I asked Utsuho what else I should say in our first blog post as owners, and he wanted to let you all know that: “They’re chinchillas, not whales.” - This is huge, the only thing nearly as massive is the possibility of a new ofc map being added after this blogpost.


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We won


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Made an MOTD based on what DMT said last night on koggy


Oh my Hitler…


Utsuho and Konata will save the koggy!


thanks konata and okuu I will be sure to finish the upward reskin so I can contribute to saving koggy


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Wow this place looked exactly like Radical Train from Sonic the Hedgehog 2006.





As someone who tested this in tf2maps, I don't think so

Decent layout for CTF tho


Folx I might start work on chireiden again and edit it a bit so that it becomes a more appealing map to play, as well as furnishing the new Koishi room


10 on the koggy lets go!!!!!!!!


unban me you fucking faggots


post erika sprite and I'll help now instead of when I get up


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wasnt sure if the 4cuck threads were still as active as they were before, now i know


3 on kog

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