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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

File: 1697517029654.png (687.15 KB, 1309x734, Saiyan_Facial_Hair.png)

 No.41[Last 50 Posts]

You better not try anything funny.

1. Open tf2
2. Open the console with ` and enter:
3. connect banttf2.ddns.net



>MODS (important) https://tf2.gyate.net/hat/

>FANART (important) https://tf2.gyate.net/fanart/


all lgbt folks are banned
friendly = lgbt



File: 1697517274851.png (510.19 KB, 666x833, 1689677259809.png)

you love to see it


File: 1697521525145.png (318.36 KB, 700x700, grape whale.png)



File: 1697562711377.jpeg (315.93 KB, 1920x1080, download.jpeg)



Where are masada's drawings?


Good question


File: 1697604640086.png (2.52 MB, 1512x1396, girl.png)

not sure what you mean but here I drew this


File: 1697608533308.png (130.13 KB, 400x300, 1572306973567.png)

I think this site is all ready now, I'm gonna leave it as is and come see what gestated in November. If it's active and our friends are here that's mondo cool, and if not it's not too bad since I only told op about this place and have other ammo saved
Do inform koglords about this place and the community link, a large number of them lurked and felt disenfranchised in the past
Finally I hope you guys can crank a few motds out before the season ends, I opened this board early because it would be useful for content sharing and being gone during SF made me pissed off, they're 900 by 640 pixels. OP can upload them, that's only 14 days left to contribute to koggy sovl
He means to repost ordinary otter and whalebruh because we have to fill our new crib with soulstorms
go the full 9 yards and post whatever else so we can be soulful like the fanart page


File: 1697608764631.png (561.03 KB, 902x641, 8863 - bat blood cape dino….png)

this is my motd contribution for the year, good luck surviving here lol I wonder what will happen




someone else said that as well when I showed it to them, it was absolutely not intended I promise


Who is she


no one i just drew a girl


How cute


what is this map flag? anthony and danielcord were right!



File: 1697782255930.jpg (41.04 KB, 350x300, 1697726023633.jpg)



File: 1697782739154.jpg (807.81 KB, 3000x2877, IMG_20231019_124759.jpg)

That is because we are busy actually playing tf2.
Unlike touhou lol


I was browsing 2hujerk between posting that and now. What the FUCK.


File: 1697837291043.png (68.33 KB, 1721x1596, KOGHOUND.png)





New official Kogasa Comp Team logo


File: 1697844857891.png (226.17 KB, 800x500, kogasa.png)

i was summoned to post something i guess


File: 1698191366428.png (266.29 KB, 450x340, 1644890350825.png)


I guess they proved him right


Afroamerican brethens, help filling Kogasatopia


File: 1698497273150.png (186.25 KB, 536x354, file.png)


group gooning general


File: 1698599467907.jpg (119.77 KB, 1000x1200, 9bfe73fb3c46f67454d1252dfd….jpg)

Heh, soccer


File: 1698618889937.jpg (16.99 KB, 640x480, IMG_20221130_122653.jpg)


File: 1698647353916.jpg (599.68 KB, 1760x2154, koggyvsdane.jpg)

dane won bigly.


File: 1698664565198.jpg (427.84 KB, 1600x1600, IMG_20231030_121438.jpg)

In pedophilia olympics?


File: 1698805833288.png (480.41 KB, 520x600, kubo throne.png)

Babe, wake the fuck up. New FEATURE.
It was a passion project but it'll probably collect dust


File: 1698805929672.png (678.36 KB, 1280x1280, waku waku pauuse.png)

>/bantcultureculture/ is dea-



Oh wait twitter forces login
Apparently the tf2emporium (that's the evil hat discord cabal) told him it was too furry but he went through with it anyway


new dota2 hero dropped


File: 1698945256977-0.png (9.96 MB, 3024x2927, 26318128.31_image.png)

File: 1698945256977-1.jpg (703.64 KB, 3024x4032, PXL_20231102_170458222.jpg)

new seija fumo……

she is HERE!!!!!


File: 1698945913885-0.jpg (682.26 KB, 3024x4032, PXL_20231102_172203600.jpg)

File: 1698945913885-1.jpg (779.6 KB, 3024x4032, PXL_20231102_172309675.jpg)

she is FREE………..

(idk what to do with the pin)



File: 1698951455991.jpeg (1.31 MB, 3024x4032, binky.jpeg)


File: 1698968961637.jpg (87.7 KB, 1636x1000, 4536a7811dca381ba48b667f36….jpg)

Neat, but expect to be un-flipping your tables on a semi regular basis.


File: 1699042900630.png (999.02 KB, 1585x889, file.png)


I'm summoned once again to share you guys this emerald I found



File: 1699123901016.png (577.05 KB, 714x1000, touhou animal manga fluffy….png)



File: 1699162019256.png (20.2 KB, 606x44, file.png)

Yep. This is peak.


File: 1699188744815.jpeg (190.34 KB, 1920x1080, download.jpeg)

Do I smell soiled baby diaper?


Someone edit in poop stains NOW


>those hands
AC is a nigger LOOOOOOL




Babe. Look at this now. The excitekikes are coming for based keyed koggy culture and it's a big deal.
There are a lot of canadians bouncing around in here, I have ANONYMITY.


damn he destroyed you guys


>Brown Incel is a nigger
Are you even surprised?


What's discord up to?


File: 1699293061191.png (690.33 KB, 744x1052, 108181049_p0.png)

Our daughter is so strong, she made her own place within Gensokyo!


she CUTE


Awe inducing maiden



File: 1699310169032-0.jpg (1.56 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0873.jpg)

File: 1699310169032-1.jpg (1.38 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0874.jpg)


File: 1699310200306-0.jpg (1.11 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0876.jpg)

File: 1699310200306-1.jpg (1.26 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0877.jpg)



Splendid, maybe I'll show the fumofumo of mine too, but at later time




File: 1699385688506.jpg (155.78 KB, 1280x720, 20231106223356_1.jpg)

If you aren't r_3dsky 1, don't talk 2 me.


File: 1699481177380.png (767.65 KB, 600x800, new chud.png)

>You guys are freaks im leaving


Aryan as fuck


chewing + gh + contacts could save bro… he has the mighty norwood 0


First time seeing this. Looks great!


File: 1699568486311.jpg (3.07 MB, 4624x3472, PXL_20231109_222104883.jpg)

Fumo collection


foid detected.


they dont even follow lines / stroke order doe


File: 1699569655905.png (572.99 KB, 1294x2035, file.png)



File: 1699571732580.png (12.93 KB, 756x72, file.png)

We're being called out


File: 1699580458480.png (2.04 MB, 1375x1660, あやややや.png)




File: 1699599161915.jpg (164.43 KB, 1132x737, 1638485105630.jpg)


File: 1699601432289.png (65.59 KB, 613x544, prinny hats.png)


File: 1699603312721-0.jpg (271.07 KB, 741x1160, baijr.jpg)

File: 1699603312721-1.jpg (331.91 KB, 1348x771, baijr2.jpg)

Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red. The legendary first picture book ever put out by ZUN. I picked it up for 5 bucks from Suruga-ya during a free shipping promotion. What occult culture could this obscure bonus disc possibly contain?


File: 1699662627765.webm (7.26 MB, 1280x720, b81a7b1ccdb8bb54ffc2923d2….webm)



File: 1699665691286.mp4 (2.62 MB, 1920x1080, yt5s.io-drunk as i like-(1….mp4)


Me in comp atm (my team doesn't know I'm drinking)




File: 1699802144022.png (37.76 KB, 539x510, 7234 - 3 buhanka-chan for….png)





File: 1699806467955.jpg (597 KB, 1200x1200, 20231112_112717.jpg)


File: 1699815762500.png (151.99 KB, 800x897, oops_zhat_was_not_medicine.png)



File: 1699815825046.mp4 (30.02 MB, 1080x1920, ssstik.io_1699815679375.mp4)

We need someone to micspam this koggy


File: 1699859439882.jpg (21.43 KB, 242x324, 1649363923957.jpg)





File: 1699995166272.jpg (338.01 KB, 1920x1080, 20231114154748_1.jpg)


File: 1699997097319.png (406.4 KB, 1258x679, file.png)

traditional catholicism is being targeted by this


File: 1699997574120.jpg (259.45 KB, 1920x1080, 20231114215636_1.jpg)


I replaced this post with the playercount widget lol


File: 1700007573492-0.png (1.81 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20231114_155644.png)

File: 1700007573492-1.png (1.39 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20231114_164726.png)


me in the back




zoomerculture emoji board


File: 1700068791637.png (1.22 MB, 1920x1080, file.png)


File: 1700081452586.jpg (Spoiler Image, 234.37 KB, 1920x1080, 20231115234615_1.jpg)

install the mod now


didnt spell now in all caps so im not gonna


File: 1700081549279.png (1.11 MB, 1273x719, file.png)

Koishi is out, Nitori is in
She's wearing spats and has a belly button


File: 1700081749462.jpg (Spoiler Image, 375.04 KB, 1920x1080, 20231115235437_1.jpg)



File: 1700112344299.png (971.85 KB, 1170x1129, Cleansedaccountantaccented….png)



File: 1700200942336.jpg (361.95 KB, 1204x1036, stack.jpg)

3/4 of my aya


The COMPGASA TRIAL was RIGGED. You CAN'T GIVE a team both a MAJOR and MINOR penalty, YOU CAN'T DO IT! It's one or the other… What we're seeing here folks is one of the worst persecutions of a team that is best in the division, one of the worst WITCHHUNTS possibly of all competitive TF2. THE RGL ADMINS WON'T HAVE IT. WE WON THIS STEEL MATCH, AND WE WON IT BY A LOT!


File: 1700206174958.png (45.38 KB, 220x829, file.png)

nice post


what happened now… 😭😭😭😭😭


I noticed that 4chanx fixes posts like that so I shill it
But RIP mobile bros


You can just expand images to fix it


I can't play because I am a rule abiding citizen




Babe, come look at this. There's a new transgender tf2 server and it's 10x as popular as this place.
I joined and the owner of the server joined and renamed his knife to "tgirl frotting" then he disconnected


File: 1700299237061.png (533.42 KB, 1360x1072, jacko pose.png)


I join and the first post in chat is about /jp/ onahole threads


File: 1700315793842.png (713.01 KB, 1000x1500, 1699686020486.png)

New falseflag to make us look bad out of the ether


File: 1700318751736-0.png (850.42 KB, 1274x712, file.png)

File: 1700318751736-1.png (1.04 MB, 1276x717, file.png)

had to do comp on gasa2


File: 1700353547698.png (15.64 KB, 958x71, file.png)



File: 1700497921546.webm (1 MB, 1280x720, F.webm)


They're referring to Fkey


File: 1700504900164.jpg (261.57 KB, 1620x1080, media_F_W-Ty_boAA5UTX.jpg)


the weird thing is this isn't the only picture of Remilia with maracas


File: 1700505645876.gif (4.14 MB, 640x640, tayomaki-stan-twitter.gif)

>kasuya baian


Xisters i'm on the transfolks.tf and the admin says they KILLED the furpound by stealing their most "kissable" users and the 'ound seems dead so I'm thinkin it's true… the furpound is ancient and soulful so this is quite a loss


File: 1700506514008.jpg (233.81 KB, 1745x1080, c8d4d609e26513718e150ec62e….jpg)


File: 1700506705461.jpg (180.59 KB, 1280x1080, 1700504724049.jpg)


File: 1700518492181.jpg (467.13 KB, 2560x1440, 655b241e7016a.jpg)


i got a cis gf in there.. cya guys


why would you sage this meeper


File: 1700521007773-0.png (583.58 KB, 1109x632, file.png)

File: 1700521007773-1.png (825.99 KB, 1185x716, file.png)

We're so huge right now.


Now we just need flandre heavy tho.


96% chance marisa gets that slot
I wonder if he'll give up though


no keep heavy as he is


I've always had it in my mind as flandre being heavy because of that one image of her being stuck




File: 1700550993265.png (455.65 KB, 861x850, 39319ad7d6c2f6b5943217364a….png)

Needs a Clownpiece skin for the Soldier even doe xhe's technically Greek.


wow i love this linework


File: 1700588355100.png (190.39 KB, 400x312, cob.png)


groomed by gasa


I heard he's connected with the /bant/ TF2 Community(we had a thread about this) so it makes sense.


File: 1700600941535.gif (2.24 MB, 350x224, broly-goku.gif)




File: 1700678918690.gif (135.23 KB, 512x512, IMG_0257.gif)

When I say ‘we’ refer to my namefield though


I'm on transfolkstf with Puke(Yum) and I asked xe if he has a puke fetish and he said no but then groomaloom squad got on the mic and said he needs to try it


File: 1700727745338.jpg (1.4 MB, 3233x2784, 2342342342423414.jpg)

Got banned from it after doxxing the admin and putting his name in the chat.


Marisa would not do this


Marisa would do this


least headcanon fanfiction spewing tertiary bantcultroon


File: 1700756262163.jpg (568.38 KB, 599x2867, TotalDiaperkuDeath.jpg)


does this imply that when his diaper is full he gets to kiss vegetas wife


File: 1700757422191.png (Spoiler Image, 336.11 KB, 1400x1630, 1644262749135.png)

>total _ death


yes as long as shes not on one of her many weekend trips to bills-sama planet


when the final iota of soidookie relevance is gone we can pretend they were dbs memes


seething tardku bro spotted


Originated on /pol/, farty hasn't and will never invent anything worthwhile


This, most of the shit the farty claimed to have made already existed in some way or another on 4chan. Hell most of the OG posters on the farty were migrants from /dbs/.


File: 1700765759317.png (88.63 KB, 498x203, file.png)

new chad with fumo


Of course a shitskin would say this!

Stealthjaks, soy music videos, etcetera
Minor subculture there




File: 1700765855882.gif (2.39 MB, 500x684, vegeta seething at goku.gif)

>LORDku out of NOWHERE


File: 1700765946148.png (203.18 KB, 800x900, IMG_0484.png)



File: 1700766112505.jpg (36.71 KB, 357x457, 1627263182533.jpg)

>We got original culture george! Like umm, barely visible wojaks that even autistic f/a/gs ignore/don't notice, wojak powerpoint presentations, the list goes on…


Kek this, some shartyfag literally had to point it out to the rest of the bord so their stealthjak shit could be made aware to everyone else.


File: 1700766415520.png (310.17 KB, 758x1121, mayumi kek.png)

base /lgbt/ fodder be like:
>ummmm, actually soyjaks are the kings of imageboards because redditwitter discovered /a/'s dragon ball threads' lingo through us


Meds, some butthurt /a/nigger even made a tripcode saying ‘qa lost.’ We have schizos claiming there are stealthjaks that aren’t even there


File: 1700766665151-0.png (310.17 KB, 758x1121, mayumi kek.png)

File: 1700766665151-1.png (310.17 KB, 758x1121, mayumi kek.png)

>umm actually my discord friends spend all day astroturfing our failed variants by pretending to get mad about them so that means we won


File: 1700766753541.jpg (159.87 KB, 1359x2048, 2d567db35d06a55f7efb175fcf….jpg)

Fucking badass image of metal sonic but all dark and shit:


this would be the final transformation of SMBZ metal sonic if Mark Haynes wasn't a fraudster


File: 1700767106108.gif (104.99 KB, 1200x800, IMG_0433.gif)

>>umm actually my discord friends spend all day astroturfing our failed variants by pretending to get mad about them so that means we won


I didn’t say anything about variants ESL /bant/roon


File: 1700767941487.png (457.94 KB, 530x904, file.png)



File: 1700768007160.png (80.76 KB, 256x256, Th07_trial_plus_Marisa_4.png)

Calm down, guys…


File: 1700768174075.png (70.02 KB, 600x860, IMG_0486.png)

>Ching Chong da soyjaks are ry ar da Asian romen go for rite peepo instead of me


File: 1700768376590.gif (1.24 MB, 435x498, IMG_0299.gif)

Oh my niggerbrim my beautiful george got troonhou’d. It’s fucking over.




>shartoids actually took the jab
LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO also remove the duplicate file limit AC


Ok fine you can post 3 files now and i'll cede 4 sometime later


Sometimes I thank God for giving me actual struggles in life so I can not sit in front of a screen all day discussing internet culture


File: 1700768886990.webm (1.53 MB, 960x960, kneel.webm)


File: 1700768962204.png (11.08 KB, 573x593, 1691542757016348.png)

Just have enough willpower to turn off the goonputer once in a while mi hermano


File: 1700769021048.jpg (35.08 KB, 800x420, triggered.jpg)

>discuss the death of some random literally who celebrities set up by the CIA to spread anti christian subliminal messages with your coworkers instead


grass touch bitches, our response?


File: 1700769189643.png (92.17 KB, 320x320, IMG_0258.png)



File: 1700769280586.png (404 B, 225x225, download.png)

>umm, unlike you pisscels I actually TOUCH GRASS even though I'm loser enough to hang out on 0.000001 pph imageboards


Chief, take your aspirin


File: 1700769468774.png (98.64 KB, 880x1292, npc kohlface snoo.png)

>the fuck? no way gigachad can just type in the domain of some niche otaku gentlemen's club. they must be a pisscel loser like i am


>hecking troontaku women of culture are… gigacha-ACK


Only auth.bantculture.comDEITIES remember


File: 1700770092094.jpg (44.04 KB, 320x470, pring.jpg)

post-auth bros don't know that "whale" is pronounced "keyedle"


File: 1700770668411.jpg (29.49 KB, 413x309, diaperku.jpg)

meanwhile… lets see what DIAPERku is up to


>grand taco out of nowhere


kinda cray how both dbs and bant both developed their own versions of diaperposting
are diapers aryan culture?


>suddenly toei CANON out of no where
go back to your toyopaco fanfiction pup…


georgeGAMING99858569853689896346 : yukkuri ur a pedo


AC, there seems to be an issue with cp_chiriden. some people cant join due to missing map file.


It looks like utusho didn't put the new version of the map in the fastDL


File: 1700943041668-0.jpg (430.18 KB, 2288x951, 65624c8e8dbf9.jpg)

File: 1700943041668-1.jpg (377.09 KB, 2560x1440, 65624737bad7b.jpg)


File: 1701120327719.png (940.44 KB, 1526x857, file.png)

This is funny


File: 1701123855229.png (403.89 KB, 736x843, I hate google.png)

>the fuck? no way gigachad can just type in the domain of some niche otaku gentlemen's club. they must be a pisscel loser like i am
>discuss the death of some random literally who celebrities set up by the CIA to spread anti christian subliminal messages with your coworkers instead


File: 1701130038426.jpg (13.11 KB, 96x96, 20231126_205301.jpg)

sadly her butte is flat just like her chest


File: 1701150607938.webm (21.53 MB, 1410x1080, Bad Apple!! But TF2 mercs….webm)

jesus CHRIST


File: 1701156911079.jpg (314 KB, 1920x1080, 20231127222842_1.jpg)

nice horn




Namefagging is not cool or attractive!


new rule: anyone who talks about muting vc gets kicked


File: 1701277144767.png (26.6 KB, 872x935, 10099 - box crying konpaku….png)

It made me goon
Thankfully I used my brain so i'm still pretty trad


File: 1701290467308.png (3.39 MB, 1920x1080, file.png)


File: 1701291931054.webm (5.44 MB, 1920x1080, butt.webm)




Holy shit


in english, I had to stop playing and jack it because of sexy suika


I'm just amazed that "this is funny" turned into "damn that got me actin funny"



File: 1701350998063.png (10.19 KB, 97x44, file.png)

average tf2 pooopoocaca


File: 1701383014061.jpg (12.7 KB, 923x35, 20231130232211_1.jpg)



File: 1701383315154.png (233.69 KB, 932x902, 99061075_p0.png)

Playing on that server for half an hour really was the worst TF2 experience I've had in years.


File: 1701383316386.png (19.08 KB, 530x563, 8910 - ears forward_facing….png)

not my job


File: 1701457442630.png (1.51 MB, 1366x768, file.png)

This map is peak as hell


File: 1701457456747.png (1.01 MB, 1366x768, file.png)

this is like miyoi


There's even santa there


File: 1701526917019-0.jpg (138.41 KB, 1135x1109, 656aff01e40cb.jpg)

File: 1701526917019-1.jpg (272.42 KB, 1834x762, 656afd520eecf.jpg)

File: 1701526917019-2.jpg (473.04 KB, 1920x1080, 656afac3115d0.jpg)

It's up




vegita looks like tristan tate here


My prince wouldn't get a hair transplant


ugh should have been yuyuko


I guess minigun fire is kinda like a master spark


heavy should be reisen (due to her ability to take multiple hits and being drugged up and having her shot type be pretty minigun like) and medic eirin


Just make all relevant 2hus into mercs and give people choice which ones to use to make everyone happy


That's like trying to solve world hunger


Join the koggy!


File: 1701577150345.png (252.29 KB, 951x767, 1656040649564.png)


does anyone have the dox of the kitty pound owner


File: 1701636300005.jpg (223.25 KB, 1366x768, 20231202222508_1.jpg)

fucking trad


File: 1701636336814.jpg (156.68 KB, 1366x768, 20231202152400_1.jpg)




File: 1701638016588.jpg (277.4 KB, 1920x1080, 20231203221232_1.jpg)

What's blud doing :skullemoji:


File: 1701666567145.png (1.23 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20231126_003425.png)


File: 1701702500327.png (585.1 KB, 800x735, 1700768996825.png)

I had a dream that I went to college and had a chemistry class and the teacher joined here and said "what are moon rabbits?" and then you guys were like "N WORD N WORD TRANNY TRANNY PEDOPHILE SERVER" and then he found out that I owned it so the next day he doxxed me and put touhou porn that I drew into our course materials along with a note saying that I drew it and my doxx


File: 1701717073784.webm (2.12 MB, 1280x720, burp.webm)


File: 1701718598468.jpg (322.1 KB, 1920x1080, 20231204202507_1.jpg)



File: 1701739432957.jpg (164.29 KB, 1800x1500, 1659827364090529.jpg)

connect chi4.serveme.tf:27040; password "tv"

put this in the tf2shit console to watch the final comp match live
It starts at 9:30 est but a practice match starts at 8:30 est
Twitch might be streaming it but I'm not sure


File: 1701750769556.png (15.38 KB, 313x157, file.png)

comp twitch refused to cast it because we are white supremacists and toxic and are too skilled they claimed
they are #shuttingitdown

they skedaddled and casted the third place game instead


It's Over. Kogasa Won. RGL Lost. Transfolks Lost. Shea The Hedgewolf Lost. It's the greatest comeback in the history of comebacks, maybe even ever.


File: 1701776783815.jpg (353.33 KB, 1920x1080, 20231205124403_1.jpg)

Chadime or something



File: 1701798938812.jpg (144.24 KB, 1366x768, 20231205125446_1.jpg)



File: 1701891646377.png (367.37 KB, 1054x944, 1701556472727.png)


File: 1701894827783-0.png (1.18 MB, 900x640, file.png)

File: 1701894827783-1.png (598.59 KB, 902x641, motd_november_2022.png)

Ladies. Kogasa only has 3 christmas banners… this aint right. You must go forth and make as many 900 by 640 banners for the motds AS FUCKING POSSIBLE.


File: 1701910009828.jpg (74.84 KB, 1023x719, b1edd83a668855b11b228d478f….jpg)

I ogt banned from the server for no reason. Can you unban my account?


a janny probably thought you were hacking
come back cousin


File: 1701910404373.jpg (209.14 KB, 456x878, 47650461_p16.jpg)

The reason was racism. I was drunk and voicechatting a bunch.


File: 1701910759359.png (41.86 KB, 800x550, 9681 - ears english fact h….png)

only browser teens are supposed to be brown white supremacists


File: 1701910955942.jpeg (487.77 KB, 1242x1700, 2009-03-16-150539.jpeg)

Don't get what that means that rigght now.
Can you unban me.


I did, try joining


File: 1701911288180.jpg (28.51 KB, 240x320, 7577124_p0.jpg)

NBah, still says I'm banned.
My Steam profile is https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198014543205/


try now
If not I'll go to the mge server to throw you a bone since the map would have to change on the main server to fix you I think


File: 1701911660745.jpg (21.14 KB, 100x100, 25181675_p0.jpg)

Works now, thanks.


madokanon banned for cheating again :o i remember the MGE facecoff


File: 1701971748355.png (881.2 KB, 900x600, motd(1).png)

I remembered I was supposed to you make an MOTD.


ughhhhh why dont the smissmas maps load into source filmmaker


Try decompressing it with BspZipGUI


File: 1701978933283.png (994.4 KB, 1088x597, koga.png)

thanks for suggestion but the map I wanted was in workshop anyway
maybe will do something later


baldhu culture is inclining


get on koggy i want to play the new maps


valve made new menu background, and who says they're lazy?


File: 1701991026874.jpg (138.39 KB, 1920x1080, 1701990045273303.jpg)

tf2 is finished


umineko won


File: 1701992399577.jpg (393.95 KB, 1920x1080, 20231208003858_1.jpg)

merry christmas


seems to have worked


File: 1701994198346.png (1.13 MB, 1108x1446, 1701989990531651.png)

fuckin georges!!!


i couldnt get my dick up today for sex am i retarded


what the fuck


File: 1702006599654.png (21.81 KB, 625x608, 5523 - hidden_star_in_four….png)

>ctf_crasher mokou pyro fart taunt


File: 1702021548502.png (463.48 KB, 900x640, koggy motd.png)

Here you go, I frequent koggy a lot so I thought it'd be nice to draw something for it


File: 1702028163137.png (109.51 KB, 1000x1000, file.png)

>SHITpus got added


aryan GOD


we have to see this


My fellow trans brxthren, I think it is a good time to hop on koggy


ladies first


File: 1702210708800.png (690.16 KB, 900x640, banner.png)



File: 1702210722251.png (7.92 MB, 1920x1080, poster.png)

full ver


File: 1702211876202.png (92.74 KB, 647x647, IMG_8541.png)



are you implying a criminal activity


File: 1702225263565.png (25.04 KB, 779x679, 471 - baby crawling full_b….png)



cp whiterock pro winter is coming


File: 1702236743540.png (447.13 KB, 564x374, file.png)

you fucking snowmans spammed bots on the other Santa's workshop tf2 servers

avoid this server at all costs it's full of drama


File: 1702237216075.jpg (149.49 KB, 1440x1766, Ernest-Khalimov.jpg)

>I'm got perma gagged for mocking touhou
>Kogastopia is full of pedos


dead server


File: 1702246245147.png (1.99 MB, 2307x1281, psychoku - 4.png)

had to sacrifice the server to create cp_whiterock_letty im afraid
thankfully we will be able to play cp_whiterock_letty on superior servers like kitty pound and georgejak.world


When you get back from church the server could use some #saving if you koggies don't mind. Got 10 but its a bit fragile this evening desu


File: 1702259655612.png (537.01 KB, 1060x1060, fcbea65ff7e5294d0e238efb8a….png)

the koggy has fallen


big ass has saved


M-meirin… I love you…


File: 1702350271172.png (124.75 KB, 800x897, __yagokoro_eirin_and_medic….png)

eirin medic mod when…


File: 1702354422002.jpeg (665.31 KB, 947x1000, 65436546534634.jpeg)

It's just that the game itself is dead.



File: 1702355860241.png (34.88 KB, 800x600, 6736 - concerned funny gla….png)


File: 1702388300435.png (325.9 KB, 633x740, Handyman's_Handle.png)

poland reference in tf2!!!


File: 1702504095294-0.jpg (109.61 KB, 1128x634, 20231213134148_1.jpg)

File: 1702504095294-1.jpg (116.28 KB, 1128x634, 20231213134214_1.jpg)

File: 1702504095294-2.jpg (97.99 KB, 1128x634, 20231213134454_1.jpg)

Letty map will drop in 20 minutes hopefully


i don't get it


File: 1702505365047.png (21.8 KB, 800x550, 7866 - crying double_deali….png)

It's a racist stereotype


any minute now


File: 1702507487876.jpg (102.98 KB, 850x478, desktop-wallpaper-of-son-g….jpg)



there's a sharteen on the server who joined from the sharty sticky talking about us and he is esl as fuck and is sitting in spawn talking about being a troon and dilating and how anime is degenerate and he does not know what qa is


there are browsergods joining the server because the map is named letty and they think it's fish tank letty and they're talking about having sex with her even though she is fucking hideous




File: 1702600237777.jpg (312.54 KB, 1445x1190, koishi_puter.jpg)

the koggy has fallen


File: 1702666068253-0.jpg (166.8 KB, 1290x1109, 657c854803847.jpg)

File: 1702666068253-1.jpg (291.04 KB, 2560x540, 657c86efe7d15.jpg)

File: 1702666068253-2.jpg (231.86 KB, 1130x1098, 657c841a9cb5f.jpg)


That gamebanana page includes the voice acting video from this server, that's cool


File: 1702677530021.png (84.46 KB, 1408x106, steam.png)

guys help i cant join the server. nigger steam doesnt let me join because of some nigger download of some nigger update of some faggot door on tubine please help me


I had this error on my windows device, try running steam as administrator, clearing download cache, or reinstalling tf2


File: 1702678280689-0.png (93.09 KB, 626x358, file.png)

File: 1702678280689-1.png (160.02 KB, 630x371, file.png)

File: 1702678280689-2.png (162.37 KB, 626x380, file.png)



File: 1702680226223.jpg (87.67 KB, 800x1131, GAB39zOWMAAYp2-.jpg)

>pl_wutville_event is nextmap
the koggy has fallen


File: 1702706863676.mp4 (72.85 KB, 230x230, auaua.mp4)

>lgbt browserchads are running rampant in koggy and not getting banned
it's never been more over


File: 1702735608576.gif (1.85 MB, 350x262, 1702360756211.gif)

I was so recharging my energies




When's 2007 Christmas kino?


File: 1702744570880.jpg (197.94 KB, 1440x1796, panda 1.jpg)


File: 1702744720916.jpg (1.29 MB, 3111x4096, 997e63697c17adac0fb6ac66f6….jpg)

Suika after you hit her with a golden pan


Also it's run by a groomer.


File: 1702746733393.png (842.06 KB, 1488x1024, moe bejita 3.png)

>Even worse, literal children


File: 1702746935198.png (87.95 KB, 630x220, file.png)



greetings from /v/ :)


File: 1702759798283.png (567.93 KB, 941x628, SoylentFappers.png)



File: 1702808512269.jpg (38.8 KB, 594x436, Gmen....jpg)

<Feels like I stepped back 6 or 7 years. Thanks, I needed this.
>keyed qvmp was elected 7 years ago


>designer of zombie infection


it was sovlkino even if unbalanced


File: 1702845797781.png (1.09 MB, 1530x860, 42.png)


>join server as a newGOD
>start talking in chat
>soft muted
the fuck did I do? unmute me niggers


ok but talk less about ai gooning and kiwifarms null being the fuhrer


Both of these were ironic posts but alright


Thrembo has fallen



File: 1702972264955-0.jpg (276.41 KB, 1920x1080, 20231215154638_1.jpg)

File: 1702972264955-1.jpg (313.73 KB, 1920x1080, 20231215154646_1.jpg)


File: 1702973409484.png (11.08 KB, 100x89, cob.png)


We could not rig this in time gentlemen


File: 1703049770070.png (1.27 MB, 1350x647, file.png)


that's because EU GODS only play games competitively when there's big money involved


For the record I have no political stance on the image


eu comp is dead last time i checked a demoknight won div2


that's the point THOUGH


i dont really care about your point or anything you have to say i just wanted to post what i thought


Ed edd n eddy ass feet


File: 1703121261461.png (453.9 KB, 860x484, Team-Fortress-2-Best-Class….png)

List best server players by class


Pyro - President Donald Trump
Engineer - President Donald Trump
Spy - President Donald Trump
Heavy - President Donald Trump
Sniper - President Donald Trump
Scout - President Donald Trump
Soldier - President Donald Trump
Demoman - President Donald Trump
Medic - President Donald Trump


Exo website



Soldier- splashman or Clenchface
Pyro- beny
Demoman- Scumgang
Engineer- Horactix
Spectator- Utsuho Vaporizer

idk for the rest. maybe dragon as sniper


File: 1703182222703.jpg (267.81 KB, 1920x1080, 20231216012214_1.jpg)


File: 1703196657541.png (107.06 KB, 781x318, file.png)

'teens copied our server aesthetic


Keyed adverty/beggy


wtf it's empty and the ping is high as shit… this is below my best (worst) case expectations


i joined the server earlier for a couple minutes and daniel was there and he said doll and chimp own the server, but they were really dead. i also saw a guy named kuz there but it might not be him


File: 1703216418072.gif (2.57 MB, 360x200, 1602552110558.gif)

>daniel vs morocco is real


File: 1703216513059.png (166.2 KB, 800x421, file.png)



new video from the GOAT just dropped


File: 1703454378229.png (24.8 KB, 384x384, file.png)



File: 1703454394021.png (19.95 KB, 872x582, 368 - 3 concerned glasses ….png)


File: 1703454720666.png (126.19 KB, 216x241, file.png)



File: 1703491344919.png (20.92 KB, 644x540, 9079 - medicine_melancholy….png)

>Console: Server restarting automatically at 04:00 EST! This is automated and not your admins speaking…


File: 1703492324168.flac (34.81 MB, 13 - ジンゴー!ジンゴー!.flac)


xe aint's wrongs


All me btw


what is happening with tf2 playercount, it doubled out of sudden


I think a bunch of people got pcs and laptops this christmas


tf2 playcount is 90% bots and idling traders


File: 1703552122858.png (1.01 MB, 900x640, motd.png)

deleted the high res version of this motd WOOPS


game just gave me a name tag
what is a good name for a shotgun?


Heart-Shaped Box


Can an admin unban me from the server? I got kicked for saying I am going to coom in Thailand and some faggot kept asking me if I was going to do ladyboys, I wasnt looking at the chat and didnt respond and he kicked me. And then when asked again i said if i had a gun to my head I would.



my user is josethepenguin


try connecting


connecting thx fren, merry christmas


got banned again kek. he keeps thinking I am troon fucker, I was trying to explain how in thailand troons are a third gender and different from western troons. whatever


do you like nick fuentes by any chance


nah hes a faggot


if you already got banned for that, why are you trying to double down lol


i wasnt, he asked me how i got added back and then kept pressing me about it.


I asked how you came back and then said ok and left it at that retard. Someone else banned you anyhow


holy shit


i read that daniel got banned guess that explains why the server is so boring


use that real player count site AC uses.. it must be double the bots out of nowhere because the real player count is low


btw i wasn't jimmy john jone's alt it was just a joke


discordkittens among us


File: 1703599039563.jpeg (30.68 KB, 225x225, IMG_6293.jpeg)

Yeah I was playing for 10 min after then I got the ban. I don’t want to have to play on uncletroon servers




File: 1703667921609.png (385.19 KB, 1914x1037, orange box.png)

i made an orange box….


File: 1703671293500.jpg (34.54 KB, 600x600, stare.jpg)

that tutorial sucks


im gonna put so much porn in my map


File: 1703721937144.jpg (103.26 KB, 667x911, tenshi_saul.jpg)

here u go hombre


File: 1703722459908.png (800.35 KB, 863x797, tardku eye raised.png)


File: 1703732991536.png (705.75 KB, 1024x1024, 232355750b931c991df684d209….png)

"Ahem, gentlemen"


File: 1703789949989.png (17.21 KB, 208x139, file.png)


>The map is called Kogasatopia, which is extremely full of gross and racially insensitive weebs; so I often just join here to troll and blow their ears with micspams
But we already do that to ourselves however.


File: 1703796068481.png (58.43 KB, 720x393, kogasatopia_is_over.png)


oh no… reddit… reddit hates us…


File: 1703796617316.png (14.22 KB, 703x544, 1686869517637571.png)

kogus will NEVER recover from this


File: 1703818556685.jpg (72.58 KB, 1242x1366, 20231228_204838.jpg)


File: 1703819058499.png (117.83 KB, 460x280, 2023-12-23_12-38.png)

"MAP defender" be like: cp_dustbowl_pro_a3 red team


my first and last map is done


File: 1703853260135.jpg (441.54 KB, 1920x1080, 1703848170822.jpg)


File: 1703869666321.png (21.6 KB, 598x58, appeal.png)


File: 1703869695695.png (42.35 KB, 365x88, 1703533100344.png)




let's be real folk = not a riajuu


would be meepermy if the kweens in tf2 didn't on avg molest roadkill and take drugs


the roadkill consented


When and why did the server become password protected? What's the password? I found kogasatopia at random a while ago while looking for community servers that weren't pozzed as fuck, and came here from there.


It's not password protected, it's just full
sometimes this imageboard is password protected though


I was getting prompted to put in a password, even when it was at 31/32.


File: 1703903971193.png (58.87 KB, 700x800, 8104 - alternate_headwear ….png)

I think it's only plausible that you clicked on the wrong server
Maybe you could join the mge server and see what happens


I didn't know there was an MGE tf2 server. How much do they hate fags, troons, and cuckshit?


File: 1703906792431-0.jpg (603.3 KB, 1920x1080, masterpiece.jpg)

File: 1703906792431-1.png (1.08 MB, 1920x1080, mapmaking.png)

never let me touch hammer again


File: 1703975016086.png (516.66 KB, 1150x1080, 1647012558241.png)


yeah I'm thinking keyed


File: 1703983295416.png (1.24 MB, 748x1067, 2546726.9300000044_m.png)

hi there would you like to sign my petition


File: 1703983446377.png (2.06 MB, 1966x3048, petitionerald.png)

>hi there would you like to sign my petition


isnt that the emlem of /japan/
why havent we absorbed that board yet


rmf fail


it's dead and they got angry at the fish tank fumo thread


unabbreviate please


well tell them to move the soku tournament threads hither


File: 1703983840987.png (73.23 KB, 1618x1109, 7247 - baby double_dealing….png)




Happy new year, banttf2!
I hope we can continue playing for months to come :D


File: 1704092039968.gif (279.53 KB, 500x470, remilia dinosaur.gif)



File: 1704155870798.png (2.77 MB, 1920x1080, koth_mayohiga.png)

final version of the map
if someone wants to fix the water texture be my guest


Who do I talk to to get unbanned? It's been months at this point and I feel it was rather homosexual of the janitors to ban me for 'jaking.


What is your steam called


Chuck Sneed


Try joining lil bro


File: 1704170597940.png (22.4 KB, 269x56, file.png)

what the


File: 1704221568421.png (617.43 KB, 800x800, __kawashiro_nitori_enginee….png)

Dane grooming nitori


soldier-me or clench
sniper-exo, dragon or lennu



the transgender coalition…




Engineer is 5'7"
This image makes Nitori around 3.5 feet tall



touhou porn thread still up


They removed all of the organic fun culture threads


the 2fort contract was a fucking nightmare


new tf2 update just dropped, get in DEADgasacopeia.


File: 1704869428627.jpg (181.42 KB, 1354x1938, 1704054100697.jpg)

fucking niggers at valve broke the tf2 item server and i can't go zone out in MvM boot camp anymore because i'm not able to use the rescue ranger and wrangler. someone else told me that the chat box is broken as well, which i think i had some sort of problem with that earlier.

Fire Eric Smith.


slop "update"


File: 1704870792111.png (26.39 KB, 566x155, file.png)

Valve does these updates to kill kogasa, it's true


File: 1704881916774.png (289.02 KB, 850x854, suwako frog big brain 2.png)



there would be 0 people working on touhou futa 2 if not for him


they gave up on adding anything to this page, not even summer update is there



File: 1704902481655.jpg (114.37 KB, 1099x1012, 1703866936657.jpg)

Now that the endless slop cases have officially broken the item servers will they finally shut down tf2?



File: 1704928179135.png (172.89 KB, 640x493, 1679873808301053.png)

It's over.


File: 1704928267984.jpg (81.61 KB, 1024x550, sonic demoman.jpg)

items being gone = aryan dawn tho
also demoman W


2 sticky jump 2 powerful


File: 1704941075428.png (25.12 KB, 636x114, update.png)


File: 1704941096620.png (2.26 KB, 249x249, soo.png)

The classic Tuesday was not a Tuesday only thing?



>not linking


File: 1704958244825.png (305.56 KB, 750x864, gigachad-meme-yodyvn.png)


Valve took down the S&Box TF2 Source 2 thing…




Post your realistic ideas to #savetf2 with the current team (2 or 3 purely technical guys so no valve made content or gameplay rebalances/additions)
-Add a system to add custom weapons selectable in the loadout screen like in TF2C. Make a server-wide variant (for community servers) and map-specific one so you can have new weapon maps in the workshop
-Reduce the amount of maps in casual by having the map pool rotate every month or so. Keep classics like 2fort or dustbowl permanent so there's no chimp out. This way new maps can be added without dividing the players between 5/32 servers
-Wait for AI to become sentient so it can make a new anticheat and kills bots, Eric and plant are not winning this fight on their own


Let clients delete .vpks from the game folder to remove hats so that i'm like a badass nazi crusader deleting the NWO from my folder
remove random spread from tf2
revert to quickplay + valve servers
Mapdev contests focused on mondo replayable maps like harvest instead of giving good boy points to pretty maps


File: 1705102164985-0.png (254.61 KB, 540x413, 0sxfPI6P717wLEXIQgHqi6s83h….png)

File: 1705102164985-1.png (577.73 KB, 600x771, bfd8c68ca1dab5b65bdac329ed….png)

2Hu's are notctorious for being smol so not surprising. Pic related, sourced from some RedditKING.
…In fucking .webp format, like fucking why who intentionally uses this shit? Are modern storage solutions not good enough to store the such 'massive' formats such as PNG and JPG? Fuck man I manage to store all my digital valuables and then some in a 256GB micro SD card. Fuck Google for inventing this retarded image format.


File: 1705112929325.jpg (185.78 KB, 1200x1304, GREEN.jpg)

nooo vote for the map i want or im gonna change it to what i want anyway


At least it wasn't me this time


File: 1705129374990-0.png (747.25 KB, 2048x2048, 1659180925924617.png)

File: 1705129374990-1.png (781.58 KB, 2048x2048, 165808240178034.png)


File: 1705129402271-0.png (892.77 KB, 1000x750, 1657977176885.png)

File: 1705129402271-1.png (938.18 KB, 1000x750, 1657982827802.png)

File: 1705129402271-2.png (1.06 MB, 1000x750, 1667243185727797.png)


File: 1705175393554.png (26.65 KB, 962x345, update.png)


lois, i'm confused


File: 1705306069958.png (141.76 KB, 1193x671, file.png)


File: 1705306985023.gif (858.95 KB, 1200x975, 9753 - animated antinomy_o….gif)



File: 1705307985506.png (126.31 KB, 1056x1069, 1654385608960.png)

hot take: the gibus mogs the marisa hat


make a mod where marisa's model wears a gibus hat
(tf2 devs can design hats than Hackya Ota)


the psl descension of gibus pyros when suddenly on sv_pure 1 servers is a catastrophe


File: 1705356417620-0.png (76.55 KB, 358x756, houwar.png)

File: 1705356417620-1.webm (725.83 KB, 480x360, retarded.webm)

fever dream led to this………


File: 1705376839609.jpg (740.18 KB, 2700x2000, a5e1fb13e7dbe89c872c21719c….jpg)

>Map ctf_masadamaze_b4 was not found.


File: 1705391324051.png (778.62 KB, 1362x759, file.png)

the hdd got full like 2 months ago and some things broke like the mapcycle switching so ummm i'll fix it eventually ok


File: 1705488330973.jpg (107.41 KB, 529x795, BDWxB.jpg)



File: 1705488874490.mp4 (14.79 MB, 1280x720, Mimi Movin to Nis' Beat-y9….mp4)


we don't do this


File: 1705489728707-0.jpg (540.42 KB, 2560x1440, 65a6d5f2d6a91.jpg)

File: 1705489728707-1.jpg (106.32 KB, 1138x977, 65a6d5f277645.jpg)

File: 1705489728707-2.jpg (172.17 KB, 1366x768, koth_touhvest_b60038.jpg)

Christ she cute 🥶


#FreePalestine : Mallory is that cock vore
[TKGP] Alt server @ tf3.fluffycat.gay
*DEAD* Kristofferson (She/Her) : where



Yukkuri TND Groyper: ilovecp are these touhou feet
She is praying to gyatekora guardian deity
ass: where


This is the theme song of your post


>Kogasatopia | New York City | 24p o_o
why 24 players instead of 32 players????


Happy New Year!


32p ruins 60% of tf2 maps; let's #Save this wednesday with all kino no bullshit only.
sarcasm is low t + *facepalm* the blogpost intelligently explains that they were only able to wish you happy new year once news occurred (news literally occurred >>20180)


File: 1705516975523-0.jpg (269.61 KB, 1920x1080, 20240117133751_1.jpg)

File: 1705516975523-1.jpg (311.75 KB, 1920x1080, 20240117133913_1.jpg)


File: 1705517252086-0.jpg (323.1 KB, 1920x1080, 20240117134450_1.jpg)

File: 1705517252086-1.jpg (324.21 KB, 1920x1080, 20240117134451_1.jpg)


ooo shiroi shiroi


File: 1705522814866.jpg (798.49 KB, 2591x3624, abe8de8547b9b3c3255bc70312….jpg)

>32p ruins 60% of tf2 maps; let's #Save this wednesday with all kino no bullshit only.
fair. it's good to change things up once in a while
aya has a very big butt for sure


The 'xperiment will show up again next week but f2p niggas made it difficult so it'll probably be 26p or higher
"1 koggy player is worth 0.5 chadclewhite players"


File: 1705532582211.jpg (1.92 MB, 1920x2400, 1700939733556072.jpg)

i kogged


File: 1705570891876.png (319.17 KB, 1170x629, IMG_8644.png)


File: 1705579084840.png (495.22 KB, 641x632, file.png)


Aya's butt is so cute……


File: 1705778137038-0.png (334.37 KB, 512x1024, sign069 blank.png)

File: 1705778137038-1.png (187.91 KB, 512x1024, sign083 blank.png)

Thinking of drawing touhou calendars myself but not sure who to do for red and blu. Junko and Seiga already have some so it'd be nice to do other girls

I was thinking of doing a Sunny Milk and Star Sapphire one but I was wondering if anyone had requests/suggestions for toohoos


aya - red
aya - blu


how to #savetf2
remove L2/L3 sentry
remove airblast
remove short circuit
revert dead ringer to 90% DR
grenade launcher ammo 4 > 6
did i miss anything


File: 1705788707951.mp4 (16.4 MB, 1280x720, Sentry Fall Back 【セントリーガンフ….mp4)

>we don't do this
Why not?


The amount of red Touhous is pretty small so Sunny seems like a good idea


File: 1705838119081.png (2.5 KB, 32x32, file.png)


Crikey! Sappho is on the furpound!


File: 1705843894052.png (252.4 KB, 1279x261, file.png)


File: 1705844255964.png (59.53 KB, 415x467, 4664 - baby badass double_….png)

*DEAD* Sneed : Femboy >:(
xX69donbass reporter69Xx : I still want fat femboy :c
Sneed : I've been hurt by every femboy I've known


File: 1705853423837.webm (2.65 MB, 404x720, 1704924776862699.webm)

kogasjannies be like


File: 1705883748014.png (756.75 KB, 1335x751, 2024-01-21_19-35.png)

Habib is on gasa


File: 1705884537295.png (29.58 KB, 98x133, boom.png)

He said product pro is fire


File: 1705886580465.png (943.28 KB, 1337x752, 2024-01-21_20-22.png)

he says shadow is dope


File: 1705887987109.png (779.45 KB, 1331x756, file.png)

poop map and kogasa


Has he played on masada maze


File: 1705914278827-0.png (Spoiler Image, 360.19 KB, 512x1024, calendar sunnymilk.png)

File: 1705914278827-1.png (Spoiler Image, 236.91 KB, 512x1024, calendar starsapphire.png)

Will be used in a map probably. I plan on doing a set with Aya and [To be determined] later for a map I'm working on


Aya is red so make blue that new jew tengu


It'd fit but I'm biased towards older touhous


File: 1705915783435.jpg (8.29 KB, 179x282, 1695129840278.jpg)

He said the cart looks like a plate of food


Lets try Egypt this Wednesday that map might be better 24p
Fairies a cute!


sapphire wearing high heels…


On wednesday the sv will be 28p but with the browser disabled above 22p most likely
Dragon explained our white DNA is too low for 24 of us to equal 24 humans


File: 1706149068717.png (74.64 KB, 734x966, 2630 - full_bodied konpaku….png)



File: 1706464068806.png (740.19 KB, 1213x748, file.png)

>kitty has two full servers now
georgeS LOST
georgeS LOST


File: 1706468883959.jpg (103.97 KB, 600x690, 85dc61e9f9ba9fff9d3811cc13….jpg)

get on kog


File: 1706491775722.jpg (114.62 KB, 857x609, 4b2efc764e30504826f61a14a7….jpg)

>Banned for making a joke about being a valid woman in gensokyo

At this point it's harder to get banned on uncletopia wtf nigger. Lighten up


File: 1706629942311.png (285.34 KB, 720x393, gokek thirsty.png)

>girl piss says trans rights joined the game


File: 1706692248603.png (221.59 KB, 342x477, file.png)






Not sure how long I will be on but #join if you want to start Koggytopia and enjoy some low pop.


This looks like a cyproheptadine box


how is it 12mb if sproke is 300kb o_o


File: 1706744327145-0.png (59.03 KB, 334x488, file.png)

File: 1706744327145-1.jpg (281.17 KB, 1920x1080, [Touhou MMD] Optimistic Ei….jpg)

eirinCHADS eatin good SOON


File: 1706744485176.png (125.63 KB, 639x421, file.png)


File: 1706781074434.png (45.1 KB, 788x615, 10303 - angry aspirin band….png)

the dog aspirin is on red team




casual compatible bloat


should unmute that scremz guy and give him map perms. great ideas trust.


File: 1706876725898.jpg (322.71 KB, 1920x1080, 20240202072241_1.jpg)

oy vey


File: 1706895973850.png (939.12 KB, 1280x1280, file.png)

>soispeak infiltrated NTopia


Dumb Americans playing the inferior source game


tsmt dark messiah of might and magic is the superior source game


File: 1706897922752.gif (1.45 MB, 480x360, 1648348590972.gif)



File: 1707058398896-0.png (1.56 KB, 146x24, file.png)

File: 1707058398896-1.png (314.92 KB, 478x475, 1703866489843.png)

>seaweed (shit)


File: 1707073788837.jpg (461.74 KB, 1920x1080, 20240204140740_1.jpg)



where ass


File: 1707075359060.png (1.49 MB, 1274x719, drivin.png)



File: 1707075546636.jpg (189.26 KB, 1920x1080, 20240204142206_1.jpg)


File: 1707078472247.jpg (312.51 KB, 1920x1080, 20240204212642_1.jpg)


File: 1707079116151.jpg (134.49 KB, 989x981, dirlewanger weeaboo.jpg)

can i come in the server with flan sex.vtf?


banttf2 peaked here


i can never understand why clownpi has such a very naughty butt…


File: 1707083146291.mp4 (8.04 MB, 1280x720, Mini-chan just vibing [SFM….mp4)



Porn sprays are brim but yes


What happened to blackwater


I think I haven't heard of a map or player called that



Master D hes got a Master D all the bitches begging for his Master D


File: 1707100894750.jpg (8.42 KB, 225x225, scholar.jpg)

Say "I am trans" if you love to eat poop


>can i come in the server with flan sex.vtf?
Only if it's yuri or futa.


File: 1707101063896.jpg (41.96 KB, 450x763, 131cc072e0fce885f3056baead….jpg)

>Would nikocado's butthole be the same size if he lost all his weight


kitty has more players than koggy right now, let's fix that


File: 1707449899156.jpg (93.14 KB, 452x1070, Screenshot_2024-02-08-22-3….jpg)

Alright post those class playtimes


File: 1707455219804.png (30.85 KB, 502x455, badass_kogasa.png)

heavy main. keyed as fuck.


File: 1707467934423.png (100.79 KB, 161x882, file.png)


File: 1707468019513.png (109.94 KB, 375x919, file.png)


File: 1707494108864.gif (1.09 MB, 426x240, based - Made with Clipcham….gif)




get on koggy :D


File: 1707511037229.gif (668.24 KB, 750x1000, 1452 - lgbt animated kudam….gif)

lackin hours


File: 1707571135734-0.jpg (291.61 KB, 1920x1080, 20240208213536_1.jpg)

File: 1707571135734-1.jpg (261.59 KB, 1920x1080, 20240208213551_1.jpg)




File: 1707636136013.png (37.72 KB, 721x789, 1700239309153.png)


File: 1707639094184.mp4 (11 MB, 1280x720, Mini-Chan Goes To Space! [….mp4)

Oh no!!!!!!!!


Testing Zinkenite to see if it has acceptable load times for pub play. Afterwards 2huvest and such. Join once you get out of church please!


eirin, i'm confused.


File: 1707696515317.png (1.8 MB, 1920x1080, 20240211174803_1.png)

quick pint before they drive back to genbu ravine


File: 1707760984678.jpg (172.13 KB, 1920x1080, gokek bruh movie 8.jpg)



Bruh gibs don't work


I think mastercomfig could be disabling them for you




File: 1707853908785.mp4 (12.02 MB, 1280x720, Overwatch 2 - Negative Rev….mp4)

Still more alive than Overwatch doe.


File: 1707871098887.png (106.41 KB, 871x854, file.png)


i think i sometimes had the same problem when i had ultra gibs on


'pound won again


File: 1708188349809.png (620.65 KB, 768x768, 1707630160615.png)

Water is wet


File: 1708471448289.png (127.25 KB, 621x385, file.png)

incoming 'toss


i got banned from kittypound in my first 15 minutes :(


I found it easy to fly under the radar there tbh


they were talking about furrys and mlp and emo and furrys branching off mlp and im like nah you are all wrong furrys started in the early 80s and emo started in 1985 so its before all of those


File: 1708710526507.jpg (17.42 KB, 471x652, male-model-francisco-lacho….jpg)

>xD bro tf2 is a timeless masterpiece, have't you seen the YouTube videos? valve just added vsh and a new crate for christmas, that's all the community needs


So ur saying people who say this are finasteride users?


File: 1708712704729.jpg (655.48 KB, 2036x1184, 1660063457530727.jpg)


i made fun of everyone on mic for having the autism lisp and no one banned me


becauth ith true


wonder if i do have the 'tism lisp…



me and bant or something


File: 1708965245412.png (297.29 KB, 1920x1080, 65dc63ceafd0a.png)




I installed it
She doesn't have facial expressions, it looks good tho
Also the fart taunt works 👍


File: 1708965921329.mp4 (5 MB, 1280x720, crasher.mp4)


The white race is back


mod to make the jetpack invisible


I should try making their asses bigger in blender


File: 1708971312002.png (Spoiler Image, 111.05 KB, 930x1034, b1e24d1f60361e42369669e6ad….png)



spoiler not included, what the FRICK


That picture is goated doe


I made her ass like 3x bigger and have to try exporting it now


I have to wait until he releases the source files for pyro
I can try making eirin's boobs bigger I guess


File: 1708974910065.png (484.61 KB, 742x785, 1685749989171553.png)

I would like to note that I think normal boob size version is preferable


File: 1708978124653-0.jpg (252.63 KB, 1366x768, 20240226150605_1.jpg)

File: 1708978124653-1.jpg (197.67 KB, 1366x768, 20240226150821_1.jpg)

🥵 We're back


Delete thf_medic_eirin.vpk and unzip this so that it's tf/custom/eirin


i changed my mind awooga


now ass too!!


It's a lot bigger in the version that I made but it's difficult to tell because she's wearing black and because of her proportions to begin with


I'm gonna be real here I don't think I could ever play this game with the Touhou girl models




Why not


File: 1708983033689.png (199.65 KB, 553x459, mfw.png)

class readability or something


File: 1708983308910.mp4 (430.6 KB, 480x270, 1496.mp4)

PSA: cl_customsounds 1 will stop da j00z


mod idea:
Eirin's breasts get bigger with uber percentage


hire this ideas guy


It's unsettling and also I like the mercs as characters


File: 1708989833894.png (398.01 KB, 959x1080, would-you-say-tf2-is-a-gam….png)

Where's the Sopranos skin pack?


someone get the models from Road to Respect


File: 1708993534641-0.png (190.75 KB, 666x716, 1496.png)

File: 1708993534641-1.png (1.17 MB, 1366x660, file.png)

Delete thf_engineer whatever and replace it with tf/custom/nitori
I was gonna make her barefoot but it looked weird


i love customizing my tf2 just like i love mustomizing my body or sometingn


holy shit eirin
nitori has such a large gyatt…


Why does she wear this


aquatic environments


File: 1708997541598.png (38.42 KB, 610x860, 11306 - baby brain double_….png)

This is your mind on cl_customsounds 1


Do I just put it in my autoexec


Yeah it should work


File: 1709005084498.png (16.91 KB, 715x335, 5866 - double_dealing_char….png)

I did what I could!

place custom/ in tf/ so that it creates tf/custom/eirin and tf/custom/nitori
delete the respective vpks for medic and engi if they exist


holy gyatts…


this is all slop. You guys are all shit at the game so deserve to have no opinion on an update. Your shit culture is the same as reddit slop but u say nigger and tranny. just unmute scremz and accept that you all deserve to get flamed….. also using the anime girl mod i keep seeing is so incredibly pathetic and lame. comparable but admittedly worse than toonhud and new weapon animations you see the uncledane tards using. I hope and pray all of you seek the rope :D


File: 1709018903215.jpg (21.21 KB, 640x789, 1553585648273.jpg)

>this is all slop. You guys are all shit at the game so deserve to have no opinion on an update. Your shit culture is the same as reddit slop but u say nigger and tranny. just unmute scremz and accept that you all deserve to get flamed….. also using the anime girl mod i keep seeing is so incredibly pathetic and lame. comparable but admittedly worse than toonhud and new weapon animations you see the uncledane tards using. I hope and pray all of you seek the rope :D




File: 1709160535905.png (824.09 KB, 591x576, NEVERGOON.PNG)

Anthony and Scremz, sittin' in a tree.


File: 1709160889570.jpg (11.49 KB, 349x367, Subtle TF2 soldier.jpg)

Even doe the default Mercs are meepermy…?


File: 1709161995441.png (59.44 KB, 1251x271, anthony.PNG)

like clockwork


Pedos detected. If you genuinely play TF2, with everything that has been revealed about the community, you literally deserve to be killed.


i played tf2 once several years ago on my ancient laptop
it wasnt that good desu
that and the texures were extremely corrupted so it was more trippy than anything


who is vorobey


File: 1709272025575.jpg (192.85 KB, 1280x720, 20240229011203_1.jpg)

Been working on a map instead of hopping on Koggy;
Now that the main version is finished I'm going try and make one that fits the server, it'd be cool if it was played


File: 1709274000266.jpg (88.41 KB, 730x489, 623360b6c6fe0ec9bbfae060a6….jpg)

looks like shit bro you should focus less on making it look autistic and make it play well…

anyways hey guys ur gay lill b4n wont stop me. hombre is resting me thinks. the toils of running his little hugbox is starting to drain xis energy. I'm goin to be in control soon and this gay ass weeb shit is gonna go along with any people who are trans or suspected to be trans bar a few that seem cool (but dont push it). say good bye to ur gay ass weapon rebalances and and shit maps. I will usher in a new age where all you shit players will be filtered out or forced to improve :D.



File: 1709276453210.png (218.19 KB, 557x550, pepe_glasses_big_brain.png)


koggy is saved


looks nice


File: 1709320739415.png (325.13 KB, 750x578, file.png)

wow, it has a lot of vertices


It looks whaley good


File: 1709326455449.png (117.22 KB, 491x428, file.png)

some doctors are whales


File: 1709349965959.jpg (113.38 KB, 1128x634, 20240301183617_1.jpg)

to think my hero drew that
it was made by someone else before that one board got deleted


File: 1709409524151.png (200.51 KB, 587x546, file.png)

this is really hard


Kill niggers


I'm black


File: 1709417058877.jpg (116.03 KB, 1128x634, 20240302135633_1.jpg)

It's big


File: 1709417090965.jpg (228.91 KB, 1128x634, 20240302111852_1.jpg)

this could be a cart




gooning detox needed


put mokou/ in tf/custom and delete thf_mokou_pyro.vpk
behead low tesosterone idiots


The previous version was better


someone hop on the server's fuckin dead rn


I'm too busy cooking marinated chicken


File: 1709596097962.png (177.03 KB, 516x373, file.png)

where do touhou gooners go when they die



heaven or hell depending on whether or not they accepted jesus into their heart as their lord and savior


To Eiki to be judged


File: 1709598681343.jpg (261.12 KB, 566x800, 1527299977803.jpg)

>You masturbate to touhou? You take the stairs down


What gets you into purgatory


File: 1709600648908.png (133.42 KB, 422x320, easiness.png)

You simply must take it easy


File: 1709614541336.png (Spoiler Image, 62.32 KB, 320x528, Killingmyself.png)

Most of the Loyalists 2hu models are based on existing models. Some of them have lewd bits. Here's a mod that restores Nitori's bits from the original SFMLab model.


Clothed unmodded nitori is the hottest one to me because I'm a Trooner (True Gooner)


Thinking bad thoughts about touhous but then catching yourself and stopping halfway through


Oops this is my new arch linux install so my flags went away, also someone make a Yuuka heavy mod


I second this


I get it transfolx become trans because of porn and gooning


Um no it's actually just funny to say trooner


File: 1709679919320-0.jpg (209.4 KB, 1280x720, 20240305005436_2.jpg)

File: 1709679919320-1.jpg (256.22 KB, 1280x720, 20240305005454_1.jpg)

File: 1709679919320-2.jpg (157.19 KB, 1280x720, 20240305005506_1.jpg)


Idk how this whole map thing works but I finished funny map

Use 2hu signs for the culture


wakasagi whale


looks great


Yeah it's up


File: 1709682796081.png (473.9 KB, 1168x827, 1697880148422.png)

>♥transfemme hypnosis♥ -nocrits -nospread


File: 1709685112996.jpg (38.55 KB, 828x828, F_D4HT2WEAEpbIW.jpg)

what is the keyed opinion about crits? i dont play tf2 but i remember seeing a meme on reddit about people hating on random crits being trannies and this greentext story you posted seems to match that


File: 1709685353474-0.png (Spoiler Image, 342.85 KB, 512x1024, calendar aya.png)

File: 1709685353474-1.png (Spoiler Image, 253.35 KB, 512x1024, calendar momiji.png)

File: 1709685353474-2.png (Spoiler Image, 250.13 KB, 512x1024, calendar momiji nude.png)

Thank you!

Also since someone asked for the calendars


51% keyed 49% locked


File: 1709685851469.jpg (83.57 KB, 533x583, d7873e5a529e1ddb8d60b4675f….jpg)

my fault homie this map actually goes hard.


np I'm glad you liked it!!

Also since someone asked: https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=177050


it's peak


literally ass


Hating random crits is trooncore because for one they're apart of the games kooky spirit and removing them would sanitize the gameplay similar to how they want to remove any aspect of the game that could be offensive like sprays and objectors and two it's mainly supported by mainstream youtubers and their followers like uncle dane who will ban you from his server for those sprays and objectors


I used to see things in this matter but troons are mostly right about tf2 gameplay, the only thing right with random crits is that if they're disabled some of the content is missing which makes the game less replayable


random crits are funny so I think they should stay


I personally don't care that much whether they're on or not it doesn't make or break the game for me but I think the left leaning fans hating them are the reason they're seen as a tranny thing to hate


Bruh he draws blue archive porn now


Very sad he should draw more touhou instead



Maybe but we have nicer icons and most tf2 maps are upvoted instead of being played anywhere so we won basically


File: 1709745022761.jpg (947.81 KB, 1568x2674, __vegeta_dragon_ball_and_1….jpg)

they put touhou on the kitty pound website


why does their site say "plap plap get pregnant" if they cannot get pregnant


I think this is a fail


this mod made offense tele engi much more bearable, thank you


link? i just get shitty porn from search this



File: 1709953913646.jpg (88.68 KB, 540x473, IMG_4800.jpg)

nevermind i changed my mind delete it so no one else accidentally clicks the link


File: 1709954787530.jpg (208.95 KB, 1280x720, 20240308222252_2.jpg)


Ignore last post I just completely redid the optimization

I spent like the past two days trying different ways to optimize, this was the best I got so hopefully it works for everyone


File: 1709958236231.jpg (123.26 KB, 850x850, chen_ballin.jpg)

insanae win, nice job on those


File: 1710015852215.mp4 (2.9 MB, 1280x720, usable.mp4)

I'm sorry for doubting the Sharpened Volcano Fragment buff it's now Pyro's 4th best melee

That said the minicrits do like 70 damage instead of stock doing 65, so I'd propose the damage nerf being 10% instead of 20%, so minicrits do 78 damage (20% more than stock axe)

This is probably the last time I'll take about SVF buffs though, I don't want to be annoying and at the very least the weapon isn't a downgrade from stock now (esp with degreaser buff) so I'll be using it anyway


>that cat that follows your cursor
kitty pound… I kneel


Mobile cisgenders win again


where can I get the lucky star crit text?


why cant i alttab with this game open on my second screen without the game spazzing out


try playing windowed


That's every valve game





linuxCHADS won.


russian tsukasa is gone evendoebei it's bantwater2 testing time…


File: 1710280972770.jpg (303.55 KB, 1128x634, 20240311215242_1.jpg)

Wow, two of otaku thing


it's fire


File: 1710285890881.jpg (366.59 KB, 1920x1080, 7006032.5_20240312180729_1.jpg)



File: 1710287407619-0.png (209.41 KB, 512x512, vending_machine_koggy.png)

File: 1710287407619-1.png (227.51 KB, 512x512, vending_machine_nazrin.png)

File: 1710287407619-2.png (249.7 KB, 512x512, vending_machine_rin.png)

File: 1710287407619-3.png (231.1 KB, 512x512, vending_machine_takane.png)

Map makers here may find this useful

(There's one for Aya, Clownpiece, Kogasa, Kutaka, Mike, Momiji, Nazrin, Nitori, a slightly edited Reisen, Rin, Ringo, Sanae, Seiran, TH19 Seiran because I can't get a full body for her), and Takane


File: 1710292446229.jpg (34.3 KB, 400x400, MFbw1QbB_400x400.jpg)

I'll tell you one thing, and I'm not ashamed to say it. My estimation of Bad Hombre as a janny just fucking plummeted.


Chads don't play Engineer at all


yes they do


File: 1710292676511.png (2.09 MB, 1500x1500, 11415 - dino italy leaning….png)

Phil was gay theory


holy fukc nuke just dropped



File: 1710358151866.png (899.56 KB, 1455x1746, d.png)

new fanart btw
☝️ it exists


Nice yuuka


File: 1710457153548.png (463.19 KB, 409x555, shah.PNG)

Phil was gay FANFICTION.
Everybody knows he compromised and jacked off in a tissue.


File: 1710464937887.png (1.42 MB, 1648x890, file.png)

>ban that alice whit loli shit in his objector


File: 1710701565698.png (29.68 KB, 744x524, 10380 - cirno drink embodi….png)

i have changed my mind, yakubian steel (cp_steel_trad_pro) is a very great map


If youre a media illiterate george who believes the sopranos was about america's decline youll believe phil isnt gay but if you look at the series as a whole and understand that it's about coming to terms with the past being romanticized then youll understand that phil is gay


Isn't the core message of the show supposed to be about narcissism though


This cirno is very funky


File: 1710710033099.png (12.88 KB, 754x437, 1710680659781.png)



File: 1710736439552-0.jpg (427.61 KB, 1920x1080, 20240317162345_1.jpg)

File: 1710736439552-1.jpg (470.6 KB, 1920x1080, 20240317162436_1.jpg)

File: 1710736439552-2.jpg (308.79 KB, 1920x1080, 20240317162556_1.jpg)


Other map done. Lots of vending machines and easiness.



compress it in bspzipgui dear


Map's already compressed, there's just a lot of assets packed into it. I can try cutting out some stuff from it.


File: 1710800149366.mp4 (1.47 MB, 320x334, SlavianMain_avc1_176983867….mp4)


The skybox goes insanaely hard


File: 1710987579395.png (483.86 KB, 1241x385, file.png)

News: a kogasa zoo file (LOL!!!! LOL) will come out kinda soon
It's in




File: 1710992224128.jpg (166.93 KB, 1440x1080, 1710948078949.jpg)

like 水神
hate the invisible walls
where is the porn room




File: 1711036391693-0.jpg (139.43 KB, 1024x768, respawnroom_blu1_002.jpg)

File: 1711036391693-1.jpg (147.19 KB, 1024x768, respawnroom_blu2_003.jpg)

File: 1711036391693-2.jpg (136.54 KB, 1024x768, cp_a_fhold001.jpg)

File: 1711036391693-3.jpg (145.35 KB, 1024x768, cp_a_fhold004.jpg)

much work must still be done


Looks really good, excited to see this one finished


Holy fucking kino



File: 1711080719173.gif (972.72 KB, 200x224, assberg.gif)

i forgot that i packed these mods in vpks a long while ago


File: 1711147358279.png (2.48 MB, 1920x1080, image-2.png)

remaking doomsday as a touhou themed map, team blu (team youkai) wants to send a rocket to destroy the fake moon while team red (team junko) wants to nuke the real moon. Gonna take a while to finish cause its the first time ive used hammer but at least its fun!


Can you make the layout better while you're at it

Looks nice


The new cherry blossom trees are better


File: 1711168220515.jpg (168.39 KB, 1920x1080, 20240322212852_1.jpg)

wow this place looks cray


oh my peak



File: 1711231356985.mp4 (4.29 MB, 1280x720, MIMI SENTRY PLUSHIES!-74Iw….mp4)

Oh my Fauci!


Oh hell nah we do NOT like this on /bant/ - Volcels who Shower


File: 1711232775399-0.jpg (265.34 KB, 1920x1080, 20240323151845_1.jpg)

File: 1711232775399-1.jpg (269.64 KB, 1920x1080, 20240323152520_1.jpg)



Lookin good


im almost done its gonna suck so much!!! >>41560
this single comment has made my life hell, my ignorant ass tried changing the layout in some parts, little did i know that editing displacements that have already been set up without breaking everything or having it look like shit is borderline impossible
no screhots now cause i forgot…


make sure you can even compile it



Also yeah displacements SUCK!!! Hopefully you save backups of earlier versions (Unless you're happy with the changes in which case cool)


File: 1711431370446-0.jpg (122.87 KB, 1366x768, 20240325181016_1.jpg)

File: 1711431370446-1.jpg (174.24 KB, 1366x768, 20240325181057_1.jpg)

File: 1711431370446-2.jpg (102.93 KB, 1366x768, 20240325181349_1.jpg)

File: 1711431370446-3.jpg (117.21 KB, 1366x768, 20240325183424_1.jpg)

this place is just cray


File: 1711432515690.png (1.84 MB, 1648x890, file.png)

>this map was made by a registered sex offender
>this map should be called pl_pedophile


File: 1711435783840-0.png (1.16 MB, 1024x816, new path.png)

File: 1711435783840-1.png (1.02 MB, 1366x768, mid change 1.png)

File: 1711435783840-2.png (1.19 MB, 1366x768, mid change 2.png)

Looks nice, as said on the server the layout needs changing though

Main issue is that the point is too easy to defend and spawncamping is horrifically strong due to one exit + only thin uphill paths outside of spawn

I think the back garage door leading to an interior area that puts you above the point would help a lot (Shitty edit of an overhead view to show what I mean included, also extending the spawn so people won't be facing away from this new path is ideal)

I also think the point should be on the ground, with the thing holding up the bridge being removed to make room for it. This way the point would be at a notable height disadvantage vs all the flanks (Edit showing what I mean included).

Alternatively you could make the bridge wider but have walls so you can fight on it but not shoot down at people from below (Pic showing what I mean included).

The main goal here is to make it so the team controlling the point is more spread out and forced to defend areas around the point rather than the point itself. This fits Offblast's smaller playing areas and makes it so the map is moreso deathmatch-esq rather than devolving to the defending team spawn camping or spamming down the minimum of two uphill paths the attacking team is required to get past to reach the point.

Hopefully you take this into account, I love the look of the map it's just aids to play on rn and I think my suggested changes would help at least somewhat!


Honestly if you wanted to be more experimental, the bridge the point is on could turn into a second floor instead, with the floor below being a lower arena


yukari whale appears in the screenshots out of nowhere, this is a big mystery


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I hope to have some cooler stuff to show soon


How come the props outdoors are all fullbright? Is it bad compile settings, or info_lighting?


I did a fast compile so I could use people as guinea pigs and figure out what else to do before it's done basically


Checks out.
The way I do it personally is I always use final-compile settings, because it doesn't really take me that long to compile.
But with offblast, I can see how it'd take a while, since unlike my maps that map has a lot of open space, so a lot of visleaves can see each other and that slows down VVIS intensely.


I wish I could comment on the gameplay of the map (since what I assume is a KOTH remake of arena_offblast is bound to have some problems), but I've played normal offblast maybe once or twice in my entire life.


As the person who made Youkai Mountain

Open space makes comps takes waaaaaay longer

When I had the area above the buildings sealed with skybox brushes the comp time went down to 26 minutes (It normally takes about… 90 to 130 minutes)


zoo where


This should have everything
Merge tf/ with your tf/ unless you want to put it in custom
You open the .vmf and appropriate things for your maps
I'll make a webpage and add the moon skybox sometime
You need the japan pack and japan II pack from tf2maps


Big thank


absolutely beautiful, wonderful, majestic and awe inspiring. I'd live here if I could


File: 1711660007619.png (273.39 KB, 386x340, ohmykoosh.PNG)

You know, I forgot this was a prop before starting. I guess I'll make a sandpit around it and call it a day.

50/50 on calling this Bantlands or Kooshlands




File: 1711662249206.png (1.29 MB, 1096x685, bantlands.PNG)

fast compile lighting joke goes here

This looks really stupid but technically makes the orangeish rocks make more sense


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where is the porn room


It'll be there, one for each team. You'll need to rocket jump over the fence outside of the first forward spawn (The spawn used in the arena/koth versions)


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Figured out how to turn a group of brushes into a prop. Do you mind if I do this for some of the stuff in this zoo? Made putting the shrine in the skybox very resource-unintensive


That's good, you can catbox the .vmf and I'll incorporate it for when I make a webpage


File: 1711759748435.png (1.08 MB, 1029x672, progresswow.PNG)


This should be everything needed. Comes with a slightly altered blu variant.

Also figured out reskinning a model at least, will replace the ground texture on the spiral with the one for harvest if I can find it (I can only seem to find the grass texture)


unfriendly reminder: this is the last decade to enjoy online fps games
when brain computer interfaces become common, everyone will be able to instakill you by looking at the screen


Arena will still be so unpopular anyone using these interfaces wouldn't be playing it so I'm ok


you mean by imagining it


I'd probably play more video games if DNI's became common because most of the time I'm just too lazy to play with my mouse and keyboard on this unconfortable table.


I'd recommend keeping the original in the zoo as well as these props.

Props don't have quite as good lighting as their brush equivalents, so propper'd brushes are really only good for circumventing engine limits, or use in the far-distant 3d skybox like what you've done with that shrine.


Yeah I agree, this was mainly done for the exact purpose you stated

Stuff like the walls and other skybox stuff would work well


just bannu them like cheaters are bannu'd, simple


Yea because that's working so well currently


I'm gobsmacked that the trans folk community hasn't organized some kinda mass ddos or hacking here 24/7 ala kiwifarms but I think the game is too dead
Also cheaters are pretty rare




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Doing a collab with touhou weapons guy to make koth_bagel but the bagel is now a jelly donut and it's in the bamboo forest because touhou
eientei2 then gravelpit come out first tho


Sounds like peak


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Kittypound is WAY more popular kid


apparently i got banned for some faggot spray but my spray is muffet and ive been banned for months



try joining


2 cheaters on the server atm


keyed madoka and dragon


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>What do my top earners have to do with anything?


I thought masada was ur bottom bitch


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halo ce vibes


Lookin good

I need to stop being lazy and work on bantlands again


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what happened to your dad


File: 1712352727833.gif (364.92 KB, 600x754, 1689373029728542.gif)

first of all i'm not your friend so stop looking at me
second of all i'm not a loisposter so stop loisposting at me


why isnt your dad saying that us ciswhet hite heterosexual males are the most oppressed anymore did you manage to convince him to troon out and become your second mom so now all thats left behind if your transiant ass


File: 1712358348654.png (389.84 KB, 1066x718, 1624684367.PNG)

oh woops i thought you were shit talking because i'm an insanae confrontational dickhead


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>transient ass


your a black nigger and your caca stinks like shit loser


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right that's it you've pissed me off now


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lol :)


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I did the japan thing
+ the secret decloak spot is now finally teleporterable (I wanted it to be from the start but the gap between the wall and rocks was too thin - displacements have solved that problem)


Also I should have mentioned this long ago, but a fun tip for taking prettier screenshots is to temporarily set your FOV to 75

I was redpilled on this when I was looking around cp_yukon for some godforsaken reason, and I noticed my FOV was LOWER when using the map's spectator cameras than not.
I decompiled the map, and it turns out that cp_yukon's spectator cameras actually set your FOV to 75 instead of just using your FOV setting.

My guess is that mangycarface knew that lower FOV makes for prettier screenshots, so chose to force it on his spectator cameras since it's a time when players don't need high FOV to more easily sight enemies.

Pretty cool stuff!


I downloaded (modded) minecrap recently after long time of not playing, turned fov up to 90 as the first thing then was like "bruh this looks vile" and lowered it to 80
I heart lower fovs


playimg minecaca on anything ither than quake pro makes me want to throw up from motion sickness


update: Gabe Newell wants to speed up the process of killing TF2





File: 1712767165916.png (45.75 KB, 744x1054, 9437 - eyes_closed full_bo….png)

its… OVER…


File: 1712774402283.jpg (25.58 KB, 247x324, 1628969132037.jpg)

New groyper kino + dead groyper server


Did he get banned


I checked and no, I joined their discord and his 2nd in command guy has "/qa/ oldfag" on his profile and he seethes about "bant troons" every time groypers post cobson in the discord, this is actually great


wow that texture appears on my favorite tf2 server


How can I join the Kogasa highlander team
I have experience playing Advanced Scout and Sniper


add this lil nigga on steam and he'll put you in


Okay, I lied about being and Advanced player but thank you


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wake up babe new savetf2


Lmfao nigga
“Nothing happened the first two times maybe this time it’ll work” just fucking lol at anyone who still thinks Valve gives an infinitesimal fuck about this game


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This is part of the reason volvo doesnt update methinks. danegeorges dont understand that valve doesnt just have a magic button with "FIX BOTS" written on it. it's an arms race and while valve could be doing more, it's also not as bad as it was before. Unfortunately, twilight and the rest of those faggots opened the floodgates when they first started utilizing cathook, and I don't think that's ever gonna be truly solved. Assume Valve drops a new patch that stops 90% of bots. the remaining 10% will be examined and then their code will be applied to all bots going forward. It's an arms race.

I think the true solution for TF2 is for Valve to focus on balancing and content updates, and go back to quickplay so community servers with actual anticheats and active administrators dont get choked out by casual mode. Until then, I'm sick of hearing tf2 players talk about "deserving" an update. Uncletopia makes me sick precisely because of how fucking entitled they are.


Not to mention all the people working on community bot fixes/cheater databases are tranny freaks who flag you if you say mean words to them in a game




Lot of TF2 fans act like they should be given whatever they demand like they are babies, which is a good reason not to give them updates as they are insufferable
Bots however are annoying before afternoon, when less players are playing the game


yeah the real solution is just to go back to quickplay tbh


File: 1712983680873.jpg (156.26 KB, 1366x768, 20240412174646_1.jpg)

babe, wake up… and get on koth_doctorwhale_a3_011??


sorry I'm taking a bath rn


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Just kill yourself


I'll hop on tomorrow probably


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S-shit! this place will be deeptaku fo sho once it has bamboo in it…


is this a new map?


Yes, that's why it's so blocky


looks nice I hope it results in us playing koth maps that aren't touhvest


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>those two fucking scouts beefing with eachother in text chat, one being drunker than a skunk


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fox site


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this spray is just obsessed for sure
new touhou television that plays the smiths came out


Got 7 on the Koggy.


ooohhhh yeah booty bump


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Instead of queueing for specific maps, you queue for a specific "role" and are locked in as that role for the rest of the game.
The roles are - Medic, Demoman, Scout, and Soldier. Scout and Soldier players will be able to switch to any specialist class after 30 seconds (may be increased) of round start on 5CP and KOTH maps. Specialist classes are available immediately on Payload and Attack/Defend maps, however.
Implement a weapon banlist (probably from RGL) and class-size restrictions. (2 scouts, 2 soldiers, 1 of everything else)
You can request a class switch no matter what class you're playing, which would probably have the same pop-up as a duel request. After accepting, both players immediately class switch and killbind unless they are in spawn.
Loan every single weapon in the game for players to choose from, (except the banned ones of course) this is almost entirely for the new players to use critical items like the Crusader's Crossbow. When the match concludes, the partipcants lose access to these items.
If Medic isn't played often, then medic players will get a guaranteed random drop at the end of a match. Or maybe they get the drop only if their team wins to prevent idling.
At the start of the queue, players vote and ban for maps they want to play like Counter-Strike 2's Premier Mode. Also, let's have their report system while we're at it to fight possible griefing from one-trick ponies who sit in spawn waiting to play Spy.
Remove Turbine.
This all sounds very Overwatchy, but uh… trust me it will be better since TF2 is more fun to play.


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This is HOW VALVE's official TF2 6S COMPETITIVE MODE can still win btw


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the coveted marisa's house artpass
(the fourth image is really alice's house but it's my desktop background so I felt like posting it)


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TF2 is more fun to play BECAUSE it doesn't have this dogcrap. Source: the Robin Walker redpill


good lighting on this one


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troom sacrificed himself for this


why is player cap 28 instead of 32 now


why isnt the server 32 anymore


32p ruined too many maps. I think its only 32p on weekends now.


the bots are already back :roar:


there are bots on community servers now? or u mean in general after the 64bit update


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the grand respawnroom_blu2 update is finally here


The server needs the new TF2 update.


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Finally got to working on Bantlands again

Still fast compile and unfinished but it's coming along


looks gud


File: 1713857298770.jpg (187.35 KB, 1280x720, 20240422202129_1.jpg)

Ok we all thought it was over for #DeadServer and #DeadGame but… the white race is back??
this map looked concerning when you posted it for the first time but you turned it around


Yeah I think the white wood and colored roofs really make the exterior come together, suits the overcast sky a lot imo


One thing that strikes me about this theme is that in terms of colours, it's very similar to the Canals from Half-Life 2.

The thing that the Canals do best is framing of a scene.
Take the start of the airboat chapter as an example - they have it so that the first thing you see is the red barn from a slight angle.

It's unmissable, since it's right in the middle of the scene - it's also the tallest thing in the frame, because there are low-lying cliffs along the side of the main track of the level.

Those cliffs are disgustingly uniform thanks to 2004 engine limits, but they're skilfully made less uniform by the select placement of certain tall objects on top, which are subtly shaded by the map's fog and silhouetted against the sky.

So it seems to me that the most important thing for this theme is to design a palette of tall, distinctive objects and frame them right in the middle of the most common angles players are gonna be looking at during gameplay.

Sorry for the essay I got drunk on gin to motivate myself to finish FoM TODAY and BEFORE WORK because I think I can


Also rewatching Diamonds are Forever because young men in these times have forgotten that they're meant to look up to James Bond as a behavioural role model so I periodically rewatch James Bond movies


Here, it's finally done https://files.catbox.moe/iaaytx.bsp

There are some areas which I think are unfinished (e.g. lack detail, optimisation causes rendering errors), but those are for future me to fix

Once I do fix them I plan to upload the VMF and all custom assets for future generations to benefit from

P.S. it renders all fucked on my end but I checked with GCFScape and all relevant custom content is packed in so I hope it works for other people

Drunk Tiftid signing off


This just in - NOT signing off - the areaportals in RED's first spawn were broken (consistently) so I fixed them


Now the bottle of gin is finished and I must move on to worse-tasting drinks :(


very exciting


cool wheres the porn room


I don't do eastereggs in my maps cause I'm a dreadful prude

You can look through all my 30+ maps you won't find an easteregg in any of 'em


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Is it a sin to use this weapon?


that moment when you change your minigun to spice things up and every scout takes it personally


bugs squashed, dark areas lit, detail added in sparsely detailed areas


more to come in future possibly



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Retarded toddlers with filled diapers: We can't have a tf2 server for 4 years
/bant/ tf2 server: [Shadow] Leave this one to me


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GOKU WHAT ARE YOU DOING NOOO! (he became tradcath)


this is going to get guinea'd hard


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lmao he has more of these


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>Gokubros… wtf…


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Why did being ubered cause this overlay to permanently appear on my screen


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the creator of mimi sentry is an asshole with a tftg (transformation to girl) fetish who got angry at me for not being ok with my art being fetishised by people on deviantart.


also he hates porn being made of stuff he makes so please make porn of mimi sentry to spite him he deserves it.


Draw her worshipping horse dicks and eating horse shit


vaush? is that you?


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habeyed says… koth_doctorwhale_a3_011 is ultra based.


trvthnvke just dropped


koggy in the video


when bbctf had brahmins we had been talking about these things for years, the trickle down to tf2celebs ages late is so cringe because the delay shows how dumb the tf2 community is, like the groyper tf2 channel that finally pointed out all tf2celebs are terrible
the metroid prime music in this video is funny because the catholic gay furry zoophile guy was obsessed with trying to #Cancel zesty and he was extremely into metroid prime music for some reason
he's playing on stupidkeyed at 47:40 lol
also it's far worse than the game only having 6k-20k players because a gigantic percentage are f2ps, friendlies, people on trade servers and 2fort, and so on


I formulated a /pol/ tier conspiracy theory about the summer update playerbotting as a result of this video but I'm too embarassed to post it

The gist of it is that it isn't just some botting mafia, it's THE tf2 mafia, a.k.a. the emporium furfags yet again




CS1.6: Blocks your path


hey can i get unbanned, i kneel to bombruh


who are you




File: 1714685772648.png (397.83 KB, 1626x1626, orb.png)

There are new lands for the crusade




>girlkissers, estrogen gulpers, tryhards, boywives, furries, women, kitty girls, tf2 players, casuals, puppyboys, and so much more!


File: 1714688094542.png (1.47 MB, 1682x925, image_2024-05-03_081417220.png)


yeah i already got banned week one there, they said i had bad vibes, can you believe that cr*p


File: 1714707758539.png (1.16 MB, 1340x753, file.png)


unban scary monsters


178k views means there are players :)


this """update""" is pure community slop. what the fuck is this shit? brazilium, that makes no sense at all lore-wise. i hope it doesn't come out because i have a feeling that the tf2 community will praise it for being """good""" and they'll trash anyone that dislikes it.



update rigged since 80% of players already know the layout of favela by heart


wtf even is the point of this, make a shitty update and pray valve makes it official???


ummm fanmade updates that were just ppl having fun were always a thing
legends remember guard dog update…


and these tf2maps updates are just map contests


you could only make this game better by deleting engineer, community updates are cute even if they're wasted breath, and the maps are dogshit 100%, but 99% of tf2 maps suck, so it's no big deal
tl;dr they're being cute mkay


Overgrown is a pretty good map but this is just some maps and a taunt


I can't say anything with authority (since I wasn't invited to this little club, rip koth_slums), but I reckon you can consider this already officially added.

All the mappers are people who Valve has previously trusted to deliver goyslop, and it has the VScript buzzword.

Overgrown was most likely included as a pity party because they knew this was going to be added and they think it's criminal that the map hasn't been added yet.


Also - not only was I not invited to it, but there's virtually no evidence of it EXISTING on the forums, besides the update page.

There has never been a content pack or community update in history where that has been the case before now.

I'd be willing to bet this was all transacted inside a private Discord server that ONLY contained the people who contributed assets, because that's what happened for Zombie Infection.

""""community"""" mapping is dead and buried.


Yeah this was 100% a private discord server or something, this was definitely not "community" made lol


Alcohol update:
I acquired a new bottle of absinthe yesterday, and it's as magical as ever you expect absinthe to be

60% alc/vol, instant drunkness upon drinking, and genuinely pleasurable taste even when not mixed with anything


my fuckin Melbourne faggot friends laughed at me for drinking to get drunk but anyone who thinks they're drinking for the taste and the social culture is lying to themself and needs to confess to their failings in the face of God


and that's basically what makes them Melbourne faggots because they denounce God


MAN this absinthe is good shit


I'm glad you enjoy it


Thanks! I inheriteid, like, high alcohooll torlennace frfom my dad who also drinkts abstihe and other spriits but I know therte are some people whoa rre like pussises and cant handlge absinthe


Taste is just a bonus to getting drunk


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It's getting there


File: 1715129425450.png (646.47 KB, 863x540, tvsuika.PNG)

Does anyone know how to make the wav for an ambient_generic loop? None of the programs I used here worked: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Looping_a_sound


It's incredibly fickle in my experience so I flagged the ambient_generic as starting silent, not looping, not playing everywhere, then attaching it to a logic_timer that uses PlaySound every X seconds, with X being the length of the wav
Afterwards, add a delay of 0.1 to the input, copy and paste the input, change it to "StopSound", make this one have no delay
Finally have the logic_relay use PlaySound on the ambient_generics on the map spawn
I used wavosaur to add loops to the wavs but the success was poor, how utsuho tv works so well is a mystery


They are cooking wakawhale and feeding it to me tomorrow


This ended up working, thanks!


Read this to become a wise old magician who knows techniques that others cannot even dream of


File: 1715200685362.png (1.19 MB, 1360x760, file.png)

TF2 NEWS Shadow looks way better on Vulkan.


File: 1715232413364.png (642.4 KB, 902x538, floating.PNG)

I can't take it anymore


cathook was removed from github


rip, should have downloaded it before then

actually there's probably a webarchive of it, we gucci


File: 1715436014689.png (67.15 KB, 201x201, yuuma.png)

tf2 is… healing.


JUST CHECKED KIWIFARMS - what actually happened is that the dev quit development and deleted the repos/telegram because cathook had been broken for a long time and 64bit dug the hole deeper, and a redditor who asked valve to get the repo taken down 8yrs ago is taking credit because this is Dalit Slum 2 and he wants attention


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After too much time, finding some dumb shit about compression, repeated compiles at 5 am, and some minor fixes, Bantlands is finally finished

Comes with some new rooms, some retexturing, more details, and a secret past the fences outside the first forward spawn (the ones with the arrows on them)


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File: 1715447388155-1.png (Spoiler Image, 263.26 KB, 512x1024, calendar koishi.png)

Also since some people probably want the calendars



I like satori


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secret mystia yukari whale on the map? This has never been seen before


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This is actually a whale of my wife Harpy


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I deeply apologize, I accidentally deleted the blue bridge when fixing the red bridge. This should be the final version for real though

Since I had to recompile I added some preview photos and fixed some minor visual errors so let's call it divine intervention


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Yukkuri shitteitte ne!
>Wha… Where am I???
It's okay Anon, you're in Sydney!!


Also there was some gay ass protest or some shit where people were waving Palestinian flags and saying the "g" word a lot

but there was also a bunch of people in like weird jew cosplay which seems contradictory but actually confirms my theory that (((they))) run both sides which is why both sides constantly bring up the "g" word which is a buzzword (((they))) use to make normies think "I should get really angry at this!!!"


maybe I'm politically naive idk


holy easy

Idk what's going on politically outside of the us but those posters are funny


File: 1715669251251.jpeg (4.45 KB, 299x168, 1704526662984-0.jpeg)

>my favorite memory on soytopia was when everyone switched to nitorie on pl_upward_countrywar and then we activated the secret where Wombo.AI sam hyde comes out of the ground and gives a speech about how random crits are owning the troons and that kogastopia is finished for real this time. I couldn't equip my troonjak objector cuz nitorie but sam hyde took the burn off a little LOL. Anyways there were only 5 of us but tf2 is a "Summer" game and we just need to give it some time for soytopia to take off.


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So true


I once joked that if TF2 was made by modern Valve, it would be 5v5 comp focused game with Overwatch artstyle


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oh my god they changed the url to x.com. twitter is well and truly dead. welcome to the new era


We are never getting a good valve game ever again


daniel was right! hombre and kog have really went full circle.


File: 1716010938048.png (80.82 KB, 645x770, 1670004509493.png)

>why is there so much lolis around this map bro are the owners of kogasa like pedophiles?
<what if goku got autobalanced in the cell saga
>yeah that probably means i love lolis or some shit


File: 1716013299608.png (126.93 KB, 1280x720, italy.png)

hombre worships trans-afrolatry now, like nick fuentes. uncauchy and divergent!


Questions we have for British people

>I- I don't know, I am Korean and I like playing League of Legends



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GoronCity vibes


post download of GoronCity…. NOW


what is the source of their troll face logo? or did they design it themselves



I'm getting lots of candy this year kek



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It's ancient clipart from the Beforetimes


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i remember them from the ESEA/cevo days


This is an interesting term


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Pfffft, this guy's actually retarded.


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truchan interaction


hello my fellow crackers


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Which ethnicity won this PSL war? (It was Chadow)


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okay new arena -> koth map that is vaguely touhou reskinned "koth_candidfriend"


Talking of arena, one thing I've been thinking about making since fuckin 2021 is a multi-stage Graveyard arena map

It would have the gigabased arena_graveyard ghosts that solve most of arena's problems, and it would also make you play a best of 3 where each round is played on a different part of the map, to break up the monotony arena is known for.

2024 will be the year I make the map for sure this time…


What map even was this originally?


File: 1716376460006.jpg (98.38 KB, 826x668, 1716331685657.jpg)

arena_separated from gamebanana


Did this map die


File: 1716403678824.gif (2.66 MB, 600x600, 1716381289674676.gif)

one of Deadlocked gameplay leaks comes from Uncle Dane, he was showing it to someone and that someone sent it to an insider (possibly Tyler)


Yeah basically

For the past couple of years I've hated how I've mostly been spending my time artpassing maps instead of building gameplay

That feeling has kind of reached critical mass and so I need to build some gameplay before I artpass another map

So it's dead, but can potentially be resurrected in future


I think POOgle would've been pretty bad outside of comptroonin' it anyway



Reverts are #kill :(


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xey/xem are back!


File: 1716644305544.png (1.66 MB, 1920x1080, 3.png)

I was told to upload this stupid comic I made on behalf of hombres request.

Except I can't upload it here since its too big so I have to expose my HORRENDOUS DeviantART account instead to showcase it.

So… yeah…



File: 1716646905575.png (34.95 KB, 800x650, 9755 - blushing eggplant f….png)

It's slightly less over for this dead game.


1000th post for this thread: fuck this shit thread


This is significant


its over for mokou doebeit…..



It's so Mokouver…


Yay! Axtinguisher! :D


File: 1716682112174.png (1.27 MB, 1796x2784, BejitaAndWife.png)

>all 2hus like bejita because they're women


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>Despite the wording we're not actually going mask off here - cracking down on f2ps and the sandman started up to 2 years ago. The community of this game is terrible which causes it to have retarded political issues such as 'random crit nazis' versus 'the uncletopia troons', but in the current year that topic is nearly dead, most of the former side no longer play TF2 or have accepted much of what Uncletopia does is right. The 'based nazi' crowd became too tiny and the white gentlemen left here wanted them disabled, sorry!
>The good news is that only unloved classes like engi and heavy are limited and melee random crits are still active.


File: 1716741833076.png (70.31 KB, 400x277, 4235 - double_dealing_char….png)

Cordies like boom stopped playing tf2 because huwhite, you're supposed to go to kitty for random crits now


File: 1716874160378.png (66.85 KB, 850x473, 10590 - baby bottle double….png)

So not signing this


File: 1716874590119.jpg (249.91 KB, 1920x1080, derarf0-9979d060-c4de-47a9….jpg)


Don't worry guys, they're gonna contract ANOTHER guy to do literally nothing the community actually wants and add features which are pointless to the vast majority of the community and happen to also cause massive problems!!!


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Wow this is incredible, I don't think the server will go anywhere though, if tf2 inclines things will be back to normal, if the numbers remain cataclysmic the server will still be on for someday in the future, at least I managed to create the imageboard in time
There's still activity here in the afternoon and evening but more and more has been lost since february, check for people at 4pm and 9pm EST respectively on the site


>Competitive: 0 Player(s)
epic fail much?


what were the numbers a year ago


When the server became this way in summer 2022 it was always above 22k, then it fell off a cliff in the september to 5k-15k, today it was under 5k at peak hours


are steamcharts just wrong then


Yeah they're at least 5x above the real number at any given time, most people around here knew that for centuries like the turk who drinks tea but it recently became common knowledge because of a tf2celeb making a huge redpill video, ironically the game fell off a cliff a week after his video came out so I see everyone saying he killed the game


idk man ive never played on official servers outside of 2009 and when i tried the contract thing recently
was never into tf2 celebs either
what was the video


it said 11k earlier doe
minus the bots that's about 10k
but this is still bad nonetheless


yea its back to 10k now


It rebounded to 9k eventually, overall if the server disappears the community is to blame for not taking care of it, the issue seems to be that only mouthbreathers have immigrated here since 2022 except for a handful like dragon and exo, the mouthbreathers burn out too fast and are prone to drama, chads who immigrate and keep the server alive are a sub 1%
The server is full right now apparently



File: 1716944407152.mp4 (4.54 MB, 1280x718, humanoid turret girl.mp4)

Latest Stone Toss


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imagine being Valve adding finishing touches to your new game but there's an annoying mosquito (TF2 players) buzzing above your head


but… there were no official servers in 2009


cant wait for the koggy deadlock server!


oh my hitler she is so attractive


This one is only 30% less terrible than the mimi sentry


deadlock's steampunk aesthetic has more soul than your average mobacore like overwatch but it gets ruined by 1145141919 UI elements and every character using 4 cooldown abilities at the same time so you can't see what's happening


>deadlock's steampunk aesthetic

Did you ever play Dirk Valentine on nitrome.com? Now THAT's a steampunk aesthetic - airships, ridiculous machinery, all set against a bold orange sky.

Deadlock's aesthetic isn't a steampunk aesthetic, it's a Valorant aesthetic. Don't let the shills win.


For a second I thought this meant a Ratchet: Deadlocked server


File: 1717047911534.png (621.35 KB, 1447x1547, 1716649349005.png)

unusual scientific observation: no looksmaxer played tf2 in its golden age


The party has #started. Get your ass on the koggy!


Okay this video wasn't terrible


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Hyperborean bros…


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I think I got aids from reading that thread


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Join please



joined causal to see what's the state of the game and was the only non bot in team of 10


omg babushka


uncle keyednius is supporting savetf2 this time, it feels recent that we talked about him not supporting it 2yrs ago due to the game being this way being in his best interests (now ours)


File: 1717441014134.jpg (64.43 KB, 1400x700, EGE53gWXYAETsNr.jpg)

holy KWAB they're shoving the blackpill down the throat of this retarded third world kid LOL


what the FUCK is a kwab WHAT DOES THAT WORD MEAN


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Keyed Whales Are Back


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my father once threw my cartridge of super mario world causing the music to get corrupted so i remember smw music way differently than anyone else


what an abusive father


then why are the servers empty


File: 1717479416499.png (62.15 KB, 589x329, uedevb2n7g4d1.png)

bafsed valve swatting mosquitos


giantess AI sinensean kogasa crushed #FixTF2 with her thighs so that the server will remain alive


georgedy that artwork isnt close to futa miku coomer


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righteous bison


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"guys I know I leaked your game but you should listen to me"

also nice clown


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what he's saying is what 90% of people in the save/fix tf2 movement are saying, and it basically amounts to
>valve, please hit the big red button you totally have that says "ban all cheaters" on it!!!

these people don't understand that botting is an arms race. Don't get me wrong, I think botters are faggots like anyone else, and honestly, I think it'd be funny and a good move if people started looking for ways to fuck with them (ie, ddosing their botnets or whatever - I'm not a hacker at all so I don't know what is and isn't possible, but we should definitely be looking into things like that, especially given 99% of bot hosters are massive faggots, take Twilight Sparkle for example) but it annoys me to hear people on their high horse going "wtf. why doesnt valve do anything!" - Absolutely, they're not doing everything they can. Absolutely, more people should be working on TF2, but the way Valve is structured internally means that won't happen unless people who WANT TO WORK ON TF2 apply for Valve. Dane and his fanbase seem to think there's some magic fix that will make the evil robots go away forever when that's simply not the case. Now, Deadlock is pretty obviously dead in the water, and CS2 isn't doing very well either afaik, so DOTA is probably Valve's most profitable ip right now (god knows why, idk how people enjoy mobas) and that combined with the new hardware they're trying to roll out is what's taking up their time right now.

The thing that needs to happen is people need to get skilled up and apply for valve, and in the meantime, people who don't wanna work there should be fucking with bot hosters as much as they can, however they can. That's the only way this is gonna blow over.

PS this is true and very funny, "oh the early access beta state game valve is working on is SO LE BAD i HAD TO show some people on Discord!!!" had me rolling


File: 1717616955524-0.webm (1.81 MB, 854x480, vid1.webm)

File: 1717616955524-1.webm (2.94 MB, 854x480, vid2.webm)

>Twilight Sparkle is a massive faggot
fact check:


all parties are uninteresting and not worth any time


Max is so keyed


We got 4 right now hopefully i can stay for a while.


nah it's still cs2
they get a cut from the steam market



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This is crazy


add a sproke flag


what does pretty hate machine even mean



i play tf2 ironically so …




most romantic thing ive ever read in my life


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zesty named a $6k usd tf2 item after a blue archive character


Now it's worth $5k


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Now it's worth $10k


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subscribe to horactixtv on youtube



Forest of Magic RC1C changelog:

- Props no longer pop in and out of existence around B
- There is no longer a hole in the world in RED's first spawn visible after A is capped
- There is no longer a rock prop sticking through BLU spawn
- Minor optimisation improvements

This is probably the last version ever unless I go totally insanae one day and decide to re-artpass it



VMF in case anybody cares

I had hoped to release a "map design walkthrough" video with this version where I go through the map and explain the design behind each area sequentially as a resource for those who wish to make fun A/D maps, but that will have to wait until probably never


* Specifically, there is no longer a rock prop sticking through the back wall of BLU's second spawn


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The server can't boot the map for some reason, it's almost as if it's not packed, here's a snippet from the console
For now rc1b can stay on


>I had hoped to release a "map design walkthrough" video with this version where I go through the map and explain the design behind each area sequentially as a resource for those who wish to make fun A/D maps, but that will have to wait until probably never
That's actually kinda fire rip


Valve: we are going to do a controlled leak of our new game so everyone talks about it
#fixTF2: not so fast



For those curious, the issue was that I had named the map "cp_forest_of_magic_b1c" before compiling it.

Certain packed assets name themselves after the map, so when you rename a BSP file, it can break packed assets unless it's being renamed to specifically what the map name was originally.

So, if I want to publish "cp_forest_of_magic_rc1c", I have to copy my B1C VMF, rename it to RC1C, compile it and then delete it. Which I've done for this new version.


and now both are dead now


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File: 1718024248988.jpeg (1.79 MB, 4032x3024, w2py71mi3l5d1.jpeg)

the LGBTQ are with us!


Least deviant tf2kek LMFAOOOOOOO


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real horactix here, I didn't make that post.


delete shitson


I can't join


What happens when you try


the avengers are assembling


It tells me that I'm banned


use banttf2.ddns.net:27016 instead and let's see what happens


It works now thx


>It works now thx


did you ever take meth/other stimulants or took adhd medication


I couldn't find her so this is true


Why is bmt banned but this is allowed


nobody said that bmt is banned


It reminds me of a video where it looks like they throw a dog out of a plane but it actually lands harmlessly onto snow so I mind it less


It gets deleted toeHitler


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animal abuse is not peaty at all.


cat blender and monkey blender remind me of cooking videos so I mind them less


cmooooon the video cuts out way before the dog hits the ground, get off my case here



the full gif shows the dog hitting the ground
the gif preview doesnt show the full tho


Oh I'm pretty adhd I guess


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>animal abuse not being immediately reviled
…we're straying into /soy/ territory.


What kind of faggot posts animal cruelty


File: 1718087206514.png (714.27 KB, 1316x782, file.png)

>Anonymous Momiji Kasanae Teto 06/11/24 (Tue) 00:31:38 No.63832
>File: 1718080298133.png (481.96 KB, 600x537, sadtori.png)
>>animal abuse not being immediately reviled
>…we're straying into /soy/ territory.
>▶Anonymous United States Kutaka Mystia Reisen Yukkuri Reimu Yukkuri Reimu Yukkuri Reimu 06/11/24 (Tue) 01:00:47 No.63838
>What kind of faggot posts animal cruelty


File: 1718090254761.png (690.52 KB, 2043x700, Untitled.png)

New p#blm



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nigga be like that one dude who can't read the room and tells a dark joke irl but no one laughs and few people are like "not funny man"


The entire thread dogpiled on him so he soyquotes like how socially awkward niggas will double down on their dark humor and then leave abruptly


File: 1718092338489.png (26.79 KB, 800x650, 5260 - crazy drooling funn….png)

apparently two replies to three different people, none of which are me, is in fact the entire thread chunguspiling on me


I mistook it for you because of your fetishistic defense of animal harm you see
You're still a faggot but keep tipping your fedora king


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Sleeper agent?


dont fucking test me kid…. you have NO IDEA what I'm capable of…


Plays here




if hombre is sonic does that make dane mario


>s : mokou how do you never die whats your secret


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Wake up babe and smell the rage, Stable Diffusion 3 just dropped


Choke on a rock


They said i say fuck you every time i join the server. That's a lie, i only say it when someone pisses me the heck off


I have come up with a new
tongue twister

try saying "Neko Miko Reimu" 10 times after 4-5
glasses of brandy


isnt adding brandy condition cheating when it comes to tongue twister creation protocol


I am drunk But I think you are gau wukvjh wuivj id eotdr\


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You guys are dreadfully rude


>You guys are dreadfully rude


Nah you're brahmin



That's actually one of the highest complements I can give


File: 1718315517946.mp4 (376.07 KB, 576x576, hg_fvlXTpwWhhYFE.mp4)

anyone like this video?


Ac's touhoufest pictures debunked this nonsense


the rest of the lyrics on that vocal being mashed up to better off alone are absolutely disgusting but it goes hard


It's just that no one likes kogasa except for hot girls and hot girls are rare


will they fix tf2


I will fix tf2 by making a touhou reskin of upward so we have an upward alternative that isn't literally shit


also I couldn't think of anything for an original map design-wise and I think people will like an upward reskin more than whatever I come up with for the time being


Take the cloud displacement textures from pl_vigil to make the skybox above the clouds


File: 1718344802165-0.png (845.65 KB, 1244x694, take1.png)

File: 1718344802165-1.png (808.29 KB, 1206x663, take1b.png)

Way ahead of you (Will do the transparent cloud layers tomorrow, mainly wanted to make the cloud layer and see how it'd look)

How do you guys deal with t-juncs when reskinning a map? I ran into some when making bantlands and am already running into them working on this reskin.


File: 1718344904893.png (344.18 KB, 526x422, take1c.PNG)

idk if it's a fast compile thing but the brushes for the clouds in the map are showing up black in-game


There's 3-4 different cloud textures you can take out of vigil, you might want to try grabbing the displacements themselves and experimenting somewhere small scale


These brushes were directly copied from Vigil but that's worth a shot


I think the tjunc issue could be because of a giant displacement (the clouds) touching func details that exist in the skybox already, unfortunately I would start over with upward until you can implement the clouds without the t junc error
Maybe it's black because the displacement isn't contained within the skybox and is going outside


The clouds aren't displacements they're world brushes, much like the clouds with this specific texture in Vigil

One benefit of them being opaque was being ahoe to delete some fun_details in the skybox


Is it possible that you made the cloud brush a func_detail by mistake, I assume it can't support an animation


They're definitely world brushes, but them coming in contact with the displacements of the rockface might be what causes the issue? I'll try further troubleshooting tomorrow because I'd like to implement cute nippon buildings and such.

Upward is full of func_details from stairs and wooden supports so I think that could be part of the problem?


I am no longer drunk

T-juncs can be safely ignored by passing the -notjunc parameter to VBSP.
This is supposed to cause cracks in your map geometry, but in years of using this parameter I have had it happen literally once ever.

Additionally, displacements should never contribute to tjuncs - tjuncs are exclusively between:
- World brushes and world brushes
- World brushes and func_detail
- func_detail and func_detail


If you really wanna make a kino above-the-clouds skybox, you should innovate on what vigil did and make it so that there are multiple layers of cloud actually displaced up and down to make it look like the clouds are wavy and 3D like in real life

From there, you can do a few really cool things:
- Turn the displacements into a model so that you can use -textureshadows to make the clouds cast shadows on each other
- Enable high-resolution lightmaps on these models (or make them OBSCENELY vertex-dense so vertex lighting looks fine on them)
- This is mutually exclusive to the previous option, but if you use the prop as a prop_dynamic, you can parent the different layers of cloud to func_rotating layers rotating at different speeds so it looks like the clouds are billowing over each other than crap

Also I forgot to mention this earlier, but remember to change the fog colour from bluish-white to orange-yellow so it matches the horizon


different layers of cloud to func_rotating ENTITIES rotating at different speeds so it looks like the clouds are billowing over each other AND crap*

Post-drunk spelling :L


>Also I forgot to mention this earlier, but remember to change the fog colour from bluish-white to orange-yellow so it matches the horizon

I might be retarded but for some reason it won't change even when I alter the fog controller

Also thanks for the advice!!


nvm I'm retarded I forgot the skybox has its own fog settings


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did my civic duty & left feedback on the map in a playtest


Niggan uke


this is really cringy


File: 1718577916275.mp4 (4.45 MB, 960x720, Mimi Sentry Busts - TF2 AN….mp4)



File: 1718603070970.png (1.53 MB, 1152x721, tf2.PNG)

Which team is taking home the w?


I think red team would win because they have all the characters that would be really good at video games


red team has better synergy but blu has more anime, tough call


File: 1718604716519.png (744.19 KB, 3024x4032, IMG_3016.png)

blu team has a few players which are better than everyone on red, but also has massive shitters weighing them down, whereas red has overall pretty good players.

its tough but i think red wins because despite blu having a few really good players i think players like goku and kira and walter would weigh them down.


why you keep your monitor on a tall ass stack of books you fucking mongoloid


blu wins the sniper duel despite using the classic, but red has a god tier scout, but blu has a god tier soldier, but red has a god tier heavy, why is goku on medic gg


oof thats a tough call but i think postal dude scout secured it for blu
also this meme format is high t as fuckkkkk


File: 1718606401876.png (22.53 KB, 486x666, yachiefact.png)

Despite Goku having 100% Ubersaw Crits, BLU is running a Demoknight, so they lose. Especially after getting raped by Giygas' Phlog.


File: 1718606474122.png (157.21 KB, 500x762, Komeiji.Koishi.full.101419….png)

thats not me im sorry
i dont have a koishi cosplay yet


goku wins no diff


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on the contrary, quakedude on soldier would stomp the shit out of mario and walter white would have infinitely better sentry placement. knowing flan she would likely be running some weird shitty loadout like gunslinger + pomson + pistol and throw the whole match just to dm
that said goku medic would be what buck breaks blu, if anything, as he would likely be far too aggressive and poke sightlines needlessly


>POO slayer on red and shadow on blu
That's a bluke from me


false. black knight farms 30 kills with eyelander because CHADow's red tape recorder keeps destroying flandre's minis


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walter has never played a video game in his life tho so he would be figuring out how to move, quakedude would definately stomp mario if they meet but mario would be really good at roaming and rocket jumping and waluigi would be a really good sniper and constantly snipe quakedude out of the air


im going into this with the assumption they are all of koggy player level skill (above uncletopia but below faceit/mge server regulars) and im assessing how they would play the classes based on their individual personalities you see

for example >>66257
shadow would be an awful spy i think because he would run ambi full time and go for headshots and trickstabs needlessly


I agree with this


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unlike goku, luigi knows how to use uber, and red narrowly clutches overtime.
meanwhile, shadow gets outscored by snake, calls him a slur and challenges him to mge not knowing he has text chat off, and dc's 0.1 seconds before his team loses.


Can't believe that Wario has been shagging Goku's wife


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Wario and Waluigi are banned for cheating when their team starts losing
Doomguy and Shadow smash their computer screen after getting taunted
Kira and Walter constantly lose 1v1s and ragequit
Black Knight and Giygas are killed by random crits and ragequit
Snake and Quake man tryhard so badly they die IRL of sweating sickness
Big Boss and Dragonborn quit to face each other in MGE
Luigi, Postal guy and Marisa aren't taking the game seriously at all
Mario and Goku both go play Fortnite instead
One little Flandre, left all alone, she hung herself and Then There Were None?


I am glad because although koishi has fantastic 19th century physical beauty she is a girl and cosplaying as girls is for fags


BLU team has Walter White on Engi, it's not even a contest.

Also some of these seem randomly chosen.
Since when does Flan have engineering skills? Since when do you choose Marisa as Pyro and not Mokou?
As others have pointed out, why is Goku on Medic?
And why is Snake on BOTH TEAMS!?


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Damn it all


cough up goy


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Marisa Pyro (on the tf2 workshop):
Wario's invite-level sticky spam + Snake's sapping could probably eventually take down Walter's nest.
Flan and Goku were put in their respective low-impact classes to not turn the whole match into a lopsided 1v1. Also ironic because Goku is scared of needles which I vibe with.
Also BLU has BIG BOSS, RED has his son, Solid Snake.



My brother is watching a video about Banana and told me how its developer is a German who said something that roughly translated to "Deportation creates living space"

based nazi figuring out how to print money


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>Flan and Goku were put in their respective low-impact classes to not turn the whole match into a lopsided 1v1.


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stonetoss really hit the nail on the head with this one


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what do you guys think


Is this like harvest but more autumn


Something about the skybox reminds me of courage the cowardly dog



in truth I made the sky texture with SDXL and my HL2 Beta LoRA

it's not really supposed to be "harvest but more autumn" as I hate the autumn and I think that autumn-themed maps where everything is just orange are horrible-looking (harvest included)

in real life, autumn is generally accompanied by a bold blue sky, in my Australia at least, and there aren't even that many deciduous trees it's sorta paradise


in my experience people who try to create the """autumn theme""" in maps are invariably gay retards

and Valve went and hired the guys who made Firewatch, there is no God


btw I don't mean the map cp_firewatch, I mean the 2016 gayest game of all time Firewatch


so tru


he HATES deciduous trees!!!!
Skybox seams like the one seen in the image here are actually and unironically very cozy to me because they remind me of playing 'blox as a small child. Keep it up!!


creator of cp_steel vibing on gasa atm


So you know what I'm thinking, right…
How can we rig this website to make it send people to koggy?


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They blacklisted us on the first hour and then the server got ddosed for pride month

But I've been told it's dead already so w/e cool pet project


why are you gooning to so much mokouguya yuri lateely


It's the only touhou couple that isn't mid and *taps watch* HAPPY PRIDE


This image is viscerally yucky


This image was in Hitler's plans


why would you be proud of being a faggot lol I would be ashamed of this. tbh I haven't really seen much stuff about any pride month in my face yet and its already the 24th so this is how we know that hitlerians are winning the culture war


Okay but who else is right for mokou then, keine? Nope, I like blue yukari whale but keine is not allowed anywhere near mokou 100% and only kaguya is right for her


maybe try being a decent human being instead of a proshipper?


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people still play this game


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Should I play troon fortress 2 in 2024?


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this map is really dreamy


File: 1719287881805.mp4 (4.02 MB, 640x360, fdfgddgf.mp4)

>this map is really dreamy


File: 1719292357342.png (168.02 KB, 640x1416, evil_rage_comic.png)

this fuckin rocks


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this nigga yaps so much misinformation


lol tf2cucks destroyed


get on kog


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I gave the server to OP (that's >>69324) and a friend
There's still a lot left, the server might survive, haha~

I'll play today and after that I'm gone for good, the degree of infinity gets higher if the server doesn't exist so… faito~!! ☆

I'll ask Masterdolf to remove us from the blacklist and see how it goes today, it could make a difference, if not things go back to normal
I put those back when I made plans, blows that the server didn't take off because it was really nice to play here in the first half of this year
This is my favorite post


how about just advertising it on oldbint


there was only a thread on oldbint to make people upset and to speak with friends


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the true owner of kogastopia? Byakuren.


True I love going to https://tf2.gyate.net/leaderboard/ and looking at Byakuren.


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found her


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Out of all the things to find problemtatic they went with shota??


The quickplay shit doesn't even let you pick a gamemode at this point so I think they're just retarded


Pardon the TRIPLE POST, but I think considering the small size of the community, it might be best to have set "events" where we all get on at once or something at a set time (sorta like when the server only ran on sunday or w/e). The arena server I frequent basically only gets played at 9 pm est on Wednesday and Friday and while small we usually get 4-6 regulars and some randos for a few hours and it's fun enough. Considering Koggy is less niche than arena, that burst of people could lead to more people joining since being at 0 players is a cycle of nobody joining


They're angry about this (he means dragon) https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/482464896/#482560885
It looks popular for now, I've treated the server in somewhat of a sink or swim way for ages, but an overarching thing like that could make a difference for you guys
Similar to what I said above, it would have to be the people within the community having initiative that and not me, giving the server to others helps reduce apathy though
The community is objectively really large but 99% of people from 2020 to now stopped playing tf2 so our pants are down (happy pride)


Might be on for an hour. Lets PLAY!!!!


i like playing different maps and when other hoodtaku chads are online


I also partially have been playing less because I got tired of playing the same 5-10 maps

will hop on momentarily

Quickplay is definitely popular I just dislike it myself and I don't like the changes made already


File: 1719527492086.png (8.05 MB, 2767x2276, 103632983_p0.png)

you'll be back motherfucker


Cmon you only play to get drunk and complain about how bad the game is




File: 1719600091415.jpg (10.37 KB, 720x47, ItsOver.JPG)

Trutaku culture is dead…


There are usually only people around on weekdays a few hours from now, it's not over yet


u done with playing tf2 yourself or the server? what games are you going to play next



dont click this link it leads to an ip logger and cp O_O;


*boots up proxy*


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one of banned bot hosters


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now time for #MakeHL3


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so much fucking win
i wonder what these retards' next move will be


Is it over?


Hitler has been dethroned. I, Goering, will take the seat of Fuhrer


File: 1719701212069.jpg (969.98 KB, 4032x3024, whale tf2.jpg)

There's a chance it's just getting started.


I have that logitech cobntroller


I think the photo was taken by a japanese then edited to be tf2


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I come back in the US and miss out on playing with you one last time, smell you later hombre


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I made this!


she chad


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at least it lets you buy stuff for delisted games if you have them


Gaben invented points store to sell more fangames for the sake of cool items of thing you like


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I made another one, but with Sonic characters this time!


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if banttf2 dies, we could always migrate to this game




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We did it folks. Reimu Hakurei has officially endorsed Kogasatopia.


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>Hello, Konatabruh here I’d like to give a formal greetings to the community on behalf of me and Utsuho.
>Despite the pessimistic tone in Hombre’s parting message I and Utsuho both hold high expectations for the servers future and will be doing our best to maintain the atmosphere and quality that the server has built under our former masters tenure.
>I don’t see this as us being given the server but rather I see this as Hombre giving the server to its community, and so I and Utsuho both want to try our best to be receptive to the community going forward. Please don’t be afraid to let either of us know how you are feeling about the server whether it be a social, technical or gameplay related issue. Additionally, the ban appeal email has been changed to one I control.
>Finally, I asked Utsuho what else I should say in our first blog post as owners, and he wanted to let you all know that: “They’re chinchillas, not whales.” - This is huge, the only thing nearly as massive is the possibility of a new ofc map being added after this blogpost.


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We won


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Made an MOTD based on what DMT said last night on koggy


Oh my Hitler…


Utsuho and Konata will save the koggy!


thanks konata and okuu I will be sure to finish the upward reskin so I can contribute to saving koggy


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Wow this place looked exactly like Radical Train from Sonic the Hedgehog 2006.





As someone who tested this in tf2maps, I don't think so

Decent layout for CTF tho


Folx I might start work on chireiden again and edit it a bit so that it becomes a more appealing map to play, as well as furnishing the new Koishi room


10 on the koggy lets go!!!!!!!!


unban me you fucking faggots


post erika sprite and I'll help now instead of when I get up


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wasnt sure if the 4cuck threads were still as active as they were before, now i know


3 on kog

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