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how does one get rid of seething georgecel mindset?


get rid of all the people around you that drag you down


distance yourself from everyone




just drink piss


ssris make you even more aggressive/homicidal


Read Umineko!


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I really like Ran. 👍


snopes check true this happened to me


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You are a dumb hidden gooner


Estrogen might be the better choice for troonhoutroons


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Puzyyyr' urozhaya


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would take it if helped me to ged rid of unwanted chest hair, but folks proved it to be ineffective for this purpose


>unwanted chest hair
Eggy weggy crack that shell eggy weggy we wont tell!


chest hair only looks cool if you are a bulkmaxxed angloaryan and doesn't fit young slavtards however


I don't think it really matters unless youre a trans or a gay bottom


Body hair makes muscles look gross


Well since I am not a meta attracted homosexual I do not understand this aesthetic fact


Wait but wouldnt estrogen make your muscles weaker anyway….the excuses are running thin



blud walks around shirtless


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there's no way I will distance myself from the society >>49376 because by the age of 18 I achieved more than my entire bloodline did before me (being 9001 iq helps) and I don't want to end like my schizo grandpa in loneliness nor do I want spend the rest of my life hearing the retarded ostslawische fem language.
I just wrote a 1000 word essay on why troons are babas >>46049 and there's no way I'm posting it because it will portray me as a schizo sociopath.
I always thought you may have similar thinking patterns to mine, so if you ever found yourself reexperiencing the moment beating a kazakhi kid half unconscious 7 years ago 100 times a day for every day since or getting random thoughts of butchering and raping kittens, I want to know if you ever was diagnosed with anything funny.


>how does one get rid of seething georgecel mindset?
Okay the actual way is to understand how people got to where they are and that they're still human beings who deserve understanding and compassion, for example kiwifarmers and the other rw freaks are just socially ostracized people and their incredibly negative lives created the retardation and awful behaviors they are known for… that happens to also apply fully to trannies, but the bottom line is that everyone is born with a similar soul but they are modified by their experiences. In this case the kiwifarmers lack free will due to deeply internalized negative perceptions of life, if you understand they are victims and don't have free will it's not possible to be angry at them, any time you are upset with someone there's no real reason to seethe, for example if you see an annoying dyke it just means she got molested at a young age and was permanently destroyed


Hmmm I think like this also but I learned that I can't logic my way out of feeling strong negative emotions towards something.


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>butchering and raping kittens


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Wait youre both different people?


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relieving stress via abuse, verbal or physical, is like treating a heroin addiction with heroin tbhdesu.
it's all just you and me on proxies


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i will stop ruining my life in like uhhhhhhhh yeah


Six months ago, I predicted that tsukasa pepes would explode


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>First, why is the character tilting ? She is not michael jackson
>Second, the background doesnt match with the character


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bbc datamining daily #1: do you shave your chest?


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shes asking for it


This is a little fucked up, imagine the ropeburn from paizuri


Overcoming a "seething Georgecel" mindset requires a multifaceted approach that includes self-reflection, mental health support, and active efforts to build a more positive outlook. Start by identifying the specific triggers of these feelings and understanding any underlying issues such as low self-esteem or past rejections. Engaging with a therapist or counselor can provide valuable insights and coping strategies, while support groups can offer a sense of community and shared experiences. Building healthy social interactions is crucial; focus on forming supportive friendships and practice social skills in low-pressure environments. Pursuing personal interests and hobbies that bring joy and fulfillment can improve overall well-being and confidence. Cognitive restructuring is essential; work on recognizing and challenging negative thought patterns and replacing them with balanced perspectives. Practicing gratitude and focusing on positive aspects of life can help shift the focus away from negativity.


Mindfulness practices such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises, along with regular physical activity, can improve mood and reduce stress. Educating yourself about different perspectives and experiences can foster empathy and understanding, while volunteering can provide a sense of purpose and reduce feelings of isolation. Be mindful of media consumption and avoid content that reinforces negative beliefs. Engaging with diverse viewpoints and avoiding echo chambers can help prevent the reinforcement of harmful mindsets. Focus on self-improvement in areas like career, education, and physical health, and engage in activities that build self-confidence and self-worth. Identify and learn from positive role models who exemplify healthy relationships and mindsets, and seek mentorship or guidance from individuals who can provide positive support and advice. Changing deeply ingrained mindsets takes time and effort, but with consistent work and the right support, it is possible to move towards a healthier and more positive outlook.


post your manifesto i want to read it


keep gooning to tranny and gay and interracial garbage porn, youll become a liberal retard cuck in no time


why are you soibabas like this


He's saying that's bad though


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Holy soulless


It took me ages to realize morgan freeman was gone


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That's actually the wrong russian


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