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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
news blotter
[View News - 06/10/24]

PSA Blotter

06/10/24 .webp and .swf (with Ruffle) are here
06/05/24 Mobile rizz page... just got an apply button.
04/22/24 Updated embeds - New /j/ replacement
04/01/24 /bant/ no culture
01/10/24 Site upgrades and NSFW filter; click "Options" to test it out.
01/06/24 Triumph of the Whale (formatting)
12/23/23 Big Christmas Thing!
11/18/23 /j/ has been unlocked for site meta and to contain non-otaku shit
11/17/23 Removed all anti-spam. The hood has survived one month.
11/07/23 Upgraded rizz. Added recent. Fixed large file uploads breaking.
11/06/23 The hood has breached 1000
11/03/23 log is out. It's called ORIN. It's because 3 syllables is bad for mewing.
10/15/23 Flags? DONE. Visit >>>/rizz/
10/13/23 Holy FUARK. The circlejerk got LEAKED and there was an INVASION.
09/14/23 New playground invented: /bant/ - International/Random

Password (For file deletion.)

RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

[Orin] [Archive]

File: 1714707981308.jpg (107.07 KB, 595x842, rika hanyuu hinoue itaru.jpg)


This image of rika and hanyuu was drawn by the Clannad artist/character designer.


She worked for gerokasu also


File: 1716990324599.png (107.24 KB, 600x600, 10073 - 07th_expansion fur….png)





File: 1719776784980.png (3.79 MB, 2031x2875, nigasa itaru.png)

This image of Nagisa was drawn by the Clannad artist/character designer.

File: 1719737398879.jpg (1.65 MB, 1063x869, Tumblr_l_60696852588393.jpg)


i love you
4 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


lois idgi


File: 1719766773597.png (Spoiler Image, 2.33 MB, 1536x2688, 120126153_p0.png)

i meant this is op


watch out rika and satoko there are jartycucks behind you


i love you too


the fly on top is like "guess who!!"

File: 1717013220172.png (34.7 MB, 3852x6492, file.png)


lawful good
chaotic good
neutral evil
neutral good
chaotic evil
lawful evil
neutral evil
7 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



File: 1717456020399.png (606.91 KB, 900x724, file.png)


File: 1717513288405.jpg (71.66 KB, 400x450, c2f0019725d2d01c3f270f283f….jpg)


File: 1719064227257-0.jpg (894.89 KB, 2894x4093, 20240622_094952.jpg)

File: 1719064227257-1.jpg (1.04 MB, 2894x4093, 20240622_095016.jpg)


File: 1719776527304.jpg (262 KB, 2048x1536, 20240630_154144.jpg)

File: 1719499101582.jpg (1.42 MB, 4000x3000, GQvmbqdaQAAljxg.jpg)


the /bant/ feast
8 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1719506829405.jpg (721.76 KB, 3000x4000, IMG_20240627_194524.jpg)

Kill a whale and eat it


File: 1719506938543.png (69.13 KB, 674x379, 2190 - fact meme perfect_c….png)


no thanks im full


doctor whale



File: 1719742417216.jpg (1.25 MB, 2048x2469, Tumblr_l_39841569284195.jpg)


the trick ending is not the "evil" one, nor is it the "false" one, nor does it mean you did not reach the "real" conclusion
this does not mean it is the "best" one, or even the "bad" one
you choose the magic ending for "salvation" and for "belief" not because it is the "truth"
17 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


whats the password




thank you



Look at my funny post >>71334

File: 1719773001745.jpg (205.46 KB, 1280x942, IMG_20240615_025826_994.jpg)


i was watching the promised neverland because i forgot the manga cuz im a dumbfuck anyways i was wondering what if were living in a big farm and stuff like bint are used to numb us or to detect certain electrical pattefn within our brain or maybe mobile phones were made to numb us so we get eaten or consumed by hugher enft- *YAAAAAAWWWWNNNNN* mmmmmmm a!-nd we wll lkek fifhgt and epic n st zzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzz


ssshhhh, iraq man is sleeping. be quiet everybody…


I'm quiet


HEY you should post on >>71045 thread

File: 1719741552406.png (35.1 KB, 800x550, 9681 - ears english факт h….png)


Ultraman suit looks like dogshit
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.




what's a fakm


File: 1719746358108.png (31.91 KB, 900x600, 10787 - bruh ears frowning….png)

his helmet I mean


File: 1719772864095.png (310.17 KB, 1668x1369, 1719757374344.png)


doesn't know how to read cursive award

File: 1707145006095.jpeg (88.88 KB, 452x678, IMG_8992.jpeg)


I like danganronpa.
53 posts and 33 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1719766446122.png (1.08 MB, 1500x1510, 1600228921988.png)

*also blocks your path*


File: 1719766538019.png (171.34 KB, 700x700, __fukawa_touko_danganronpa….png)

*blocks your path as well*


File: 1719768293427.jpg (214.36 KB, 1448x2048, __ikusaba_mukuro_danganron….jpg)

Junko's sister*


File: 1719770204896.jpg (140.62 KB, 768x768, 1513924353095.jpg)

Junkos stinky sister*


uhmm 999 mogs

File: 1701330079836.jpg (78.62 KB, 521x651, the diaper duo.jpg)

 No.7841[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

FAGku bros???? GAYgeta bros??? what the FUCK is this????
131 posts and 73 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Thats the worst fucking goku impression ive ever heard hands down


That sounds more like trump than bejita


File: 1717620182931.mp4 (991.55 KB, 576x1024, Z2d_xUQGkX0N3QWQ.mp4)


This isn't boylove it's genderbend


File: 1719768696457-0.jpg (98.54 KB, 736x1044, 9620e91690a84e9a290f9b61ac….jpg)

File: 1719768696457-1.jpg (2.28 MB, 1687x3000, ab9894d83de0d9bfa971eed65f….jpg)

Shitper's worldbuilding would've been good if U6 saiyans were genderbent versions of our heroes.

File: 1710178521769.png (171.47 KB, 1635x988, file.png)


latest otaku animal is out
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looks painful desu


File: 1712870108915.jpg (132 KB, 1475x1475, 1712530853078.jpg)

It is painful yes







File: 1719758372025.png (316.34 KB, 1475x1475, 1692337930687.png)


New baby




File: 1719758625861.jpg (37.17 KB, 480x375, 12114 - baby baby_bottle b….jpg)

Will she be a friend to the okinababy?


File: 1719764171437.jpg (215.97 KB, 563x900, 8f1c1106c27c9970cf1c8b0e7f….jpg)


with adult head

File: 1719702977952-0.jpg (541.46 KB, 2048x1536, 1719667290676991.jpg)

File: 1719702977952-1.jpg (385.22 KB, 1536x2048, a1-11.jpg)


An altar to Satoru Gojo in the Santiago Metro
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File: 1719751371084.webm (509.55 KB, 640x360, videoplayback.webm)

>>Видео недоступно
>>Владелец видео запретил его просмотр в вашей стране.


Smells good


File: 1719758538756.jpg (129.64 KB, 828x1194, e8f0e03273fa3f6192d2b29226….jpg)

>jujutsu kaisen


I owned you >>71491


jujutsu midsen is just haruhi for zoomers

File: 1719751066567.jpg (370.36 KB, 2048x2048, 269b045b5daef57be0f3e9acbf….jpg)


niconico is dead because russian hackers attacked kadokawa
5 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Go jerk off to daibetic feet



>Feet fetish is worse than scat
>Jesus Christ
>keeping it to themselves



File: 1719758107720.jpg (273.71 KB, 1661x990, 119729054_p0.jpg)

>because there is no place for porn on my porn imageboard

File: 1719711675833.jpg (422.02 KB, 1083x1747, 119754161_p0.jpg)


eat breakfast
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File: 1719724379450.mp4 (48.93 KB, 736x966, satorisuki50314 - 17160944….mp4)


It’s called a marker of youth you niggergookkikefaggotbug




File: 1719750858875.jpg (116.84 KB, 932x803, 90944037_p1.jpg)

then starve and die retard

File: 1719748606347.jpg (85.54 KB, 415x388, 543252345235.jpg)


9mm heater stashed in two pockets w meat cleavers

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