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/bant/ - International Random

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[View News - 06/10/24]

PSA Blotter

06/10/24 .webp and .swf (with Ruffle) are here
06/05/24 Mobile rizz page... just got an apply button.
04/22/24 Updated embeds - New /j/ replacement
04/01/24 /bant/ no culture
01/10/24 Site upgrades and NSFW filter; click "Options" to test it out.
01/06/24 Triumph of the Whale (formatting)
12/23/23 Big Christmas Thing!
11/18/23 /j/ has been unlocked for site meta and to contain non-otaku shit
11/17/23 Removed all anti-spam. The hood has survived one month.
11/07/23 Upgraded rizz. Added recent. Fixed large file uploads breaking.
11/06/23 The hood has breached 1000
11/03/23 log is out. It's called ORIN. It's because 3 syllables is bad for mewing.
10/15/23 Flags? DONE. Visit >>>/rizz/
10/13/23 Holy FUARK. The circlejerk got LEAKED and there was an INVASION.
09/14/23 New playground invented: /bant/ - International/Random

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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

[Orin] [Archive]

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This is funny



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Peter Griffin from the show Family Guy here. Basically, this post is very cute and funny because, first of all, there is this character from Touhou 6 (a bullet hell game) called Rumia whose favorite catchphrase is "そうなのか/sou nanoka", or "is that so" in the English language. The kana ka sounds very similar to the word car and the character mentioned earlier is depicted as a Toyota. Interestingly, the Corolla model is called Rumion which also sounds like her name. Finally, our Rumia is illustrated in a parody style called gyate-kora or simply gyate gyate for foreign fans. This means that this post is very organic and true to otaku culture.


ChatGPT understands trutaku culture


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OP is this you

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'gatari is really bad because there is lots of lolibait and rararagi-kun is a pervert and probably has some kind of autism but the character design is generally le good so i dont mind watching it
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yeah please


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ok i will from now on /gen
because I stand with neurodivergent folx /j


>shoebill stork


File: 1718759702835.mp4 (5.44 MB, 576x1024, retarded_ass_monkey.mp4)

nevermind fuck this cumbersome ass bullshit it was clearly created by low-iq millenial normies who didn't understand the fact that written text is a fundamentally different form of communication than spoken language, not merely an imitation of it


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i thought this was gonna be bmt but it was actually really funny i chuckled for a good few moments at this after it ended.
he's so fucking mad lmfaooo

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was he in the right for cooking this?


sexuality in modern era is fucked,
>nooo your not suppose to look at 2d womens
>3d women empowered twitch onlyfan girls yass queen
>where are all the good men/women?


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No, God made STDS to kill these people

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>xhe dissrespected meeperson
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Kek, I made this last thread before 'rty /int/ got locked



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me and ó bint
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I meant to write bad but I'm becoming ESL because russian tsukasa explained this website has no white boys so I'm transforming into latinx


on behalf of the latinx community we changed to latiny


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really weird how people convince themselves this shit has any merit beyond its porn


dont let people enjoy things


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You are NOT invited
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Legs not hairy enough


"God I love you so much dude" ?


It's a reference to a bant1 meme where the frog guy made a discord screenshot of aryan chad talking to a male kaguya cosplayer from new zealand and he says say "god I love you so much dylan" and it's interesting because of that touhoufest cosplayer fiasco


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>It's a reference to a bant1 meme where the frog guy made a discord screenshot of aryan chad talking to a male kaguya cosplayer from new zealand and he says say "god I love you so much dylan" and it's interesting because of that touhoufest cosplayer fiasco


oh my

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i tried out ready or not it kinda sucks


popular normie stuff always bad silly


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 No.66583[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

why are a lot of bantoids a bunch of cuckolds? i mean literally, the fetish, not to show any disrespect just wondering
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Hi Mr. Cyrillic Sage how is your day


hi. how my days go is none of your business


You don’t have to be rude about it.


yes i do go kill yourself /metaironic


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>anon, I'm really sore from walking around all day, could you give me a foot massage?


Yes! I love bejita and I will rub them!


nice to feet you shion


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>Alright Shion Yorigami, I'll give you a foot message to help relieve the tension in your muscles.


Due to her trait of bad luck a tree begins to fall on you during the foot massage. Roll D20 to dodge.
(=/<4 and you get crushed by the tree and splattered like in happy tree friends, leaving Shion traumatized)

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I go to this website by pressing the b key on my keybaord and then pressing enter because it autocompletes to bantculture.com but sometimes I accidentally press n instead and get transported to/jumpscared by niggafart.com

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Soyjak.party= Crooked Hillary
Kissu.moe = Sleepy Joe
bantculture.com= Meatball Ron
Thefrogpond.org = Emperor Trump
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heyuri.net = The God Emperor Ron Paul


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jarty pooteen


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Do NOT search up "Touhou bunny girl feast" on YouTube
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Niggas used to show shit like this without any censoring right in the little kiddie time and now they censor heckin cigarettes.


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frup fucking sucks actually

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post 2hu mmds
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nominee for the best videos of bint april 2024 award


Skibidi cuh shit





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I found an image of this 3D Kagami model. Does anyone know if it's publicly downloadable? It looks unlike any MMD model I've seen of her.

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Do you guys remember when Trump hosted an AMA on /pol/ and it made kikes, shills, and trannies seethe so hard that they tried to take down the site with copyright claims, even going as far as to file a lawsuit on the posters? This all happened in like 2019, their attempts didn't even go through because one of Hiro's maintainers already installed an automated DDoS protection, as well as multiple security measures, to prevent it from being wrecked. Much to their dismay, they all flocked to /qa/ and started spamming threads begging mods to delete /pol/, they were getting BTFO every time and we were even posting holocaust redpills in their threads. Eventually, RapeApe had to come in and tell them to "fuck off", and started banning them afterwards. The mafioso from their spinoff and irc saw what was going on and decided to side with the kikes by falseflagging as one of them, they were, however, quickly dogpiled with an avalanche of frogs and Hitler speeches, so much that they started writing very long paragraphs seething about le ebil froagposters while dilating. All of the kike subverters have since given up and surrendered to /pol/chads haunting their every presence. Tucker Carlson interviewed one of them on live television and they were being humiliated from embarrassment.
They have never recovered since then, they realized that attacking us gives us more power. They were doing our bidding like slaves, we've been redpilling everyone left and right. It's a foolish act to disrupt us as we're not vulnerable to their misdeeds in any way. We will dominate internet culture and have the normgroids awoken by the redpills, it's going to be priceless.


bidding on Trump to dominate internet culture


this is deep


this is shallow

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