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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
news blotter
[View News - 06/10/24]

PSA Blotter

06/10/24 .webp and .swf (with Ruffle) are here
06/05/24 Mobile rizz page... just got an apply button.
04/22/24 Updated embeds - New /j/ replacement
04/01/24 /bant/ no culture
01/10/24 Site upgrades and NSFW filter; click "Options" to test it out.
01/06/24 Triumph of the Whale (formatting)
12/23/23 Big Christmas Thing!
11/18/23 /j/ has been unlocked for site meta and to contain non-otaku shit
11/17/23 Removed all anti-spam. The hood has survived one month.
11/07/23 Upgraded rizz. Added recent. Fixed large file uploads breaking.
11/06/23 The hood has breached 1000
11/03/23 log is out. It's called ORIN. It's because 3 syllables is bad for mewing.
10/15/23 Flags? DONE. Visit >>>/rizz/
10/13/23 Holy FUARK. The circlejerk got LEAKED and there was an INVASION.
09/14/23 New playground invented: /bant/ - International/Random

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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

[Orin] [Archive]

File: 1712084413028.png (17.91 KB, 762x463, 294 - badass kasodani_kyou….png)


Autosaged threads:
14 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




new thread: >>60952




File: 1717427872079.jpg (199.1 KB, 846x1200, 1716974264467.jpg)

Kikes are bad


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Kikes are good

File: 1712782218544.png (2.03 MB, 1129x1593, IMG_2401.png)


> +22°C
19 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




apparantly it became 50 degreee celisus at iraq yesterday


Hot take, i perfer bottle over the other nigga


the take is cold because you lar cirno



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why aren't you cosplaying as touhous while posting it's not even expensive to order an outfit
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File: 1719174102202.png (23.21 KB, 988x1096, 1718893955585.png)

romanians do tend to shit everywhwere


File: 1719175498701.jpg (1.02 MB, 1000x1333, Reijeet_Hapoorei.jpg)

>*sharts on your thread*


File: 1719175603079.jpg (79.86 KB, 960x960, Brazil.jpg)

>>*sharts on your thread*


File: 1719198365772.mp4 (856.37 KB, 576x1024, 17082714624300.mp4)

*sharts on your thread*

File: 1717440616044.mp4 (6.8 MB, 720x1280, a144c245995b75cb09a95f0ed3….mp4)


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aldoe mii artstyle is kinda chill


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This entire thread

File: 1716906855945.gif (2.44 MB, 595x339, 11275 - meme pog sukusuku_….gif)


what is she pogging at
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.




my bwc




File: 1719176419890.png (Spoiler Image, 11.57 MB, 521x640, file.png)

At this.


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Kagiyama-sama would never do this

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Now let this be a lesson not to stain our honor and motives to restore America to its fullest glory through the means of sticking together and sharing our ideal plans to enact such.
Kike shills always felt betrayed by the white man's glamoury, hence why they've been trying to push their degeneracy anywhere they go (e.g. tranime) and subvert the population of this country by convincing everyone that Trump is a "jew rat" (no proof).

They've always been trying to infiltrate the patriot's club because they're afraid that we're trying to preserve the future for the whole nation, and dominating the entire internet culture, so they try to shit it up with no luck. Only to get eviscerated immediately. They haven't made any progress since and now they're kvetching HARD like clockwork. Sad!
Not my problem! Let them cry and kvetch until the day of reckoning comes for each one of them, and it'll be so glorious to witness such.


File: 1719188932419.png (22.44 KB, 800x550, 9973 - bruh ears funny han….png)

Even shit threads deserve a reply

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 No.49547[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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File: 1719151255455.gif (2.11 MB, 498x373, teleporte-goku.gif)

Shit that trip looked cool as fuck


2 but there were probably people around on the Friday so 2.1


no i was asking about reitaisai


I'm slow


it was only 1 day

File: 1717146217828.jpg (146.98 KB, 1078x540, saas.jpg)


A place where poop and piss live in harmony: toilet 🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽


Then the semen invades.


Micro plastics are stored in the balls


eu de toilet


File: 1717168782934.jpg (529.17 KB, 1024x1024, 3a82eec11a1eb8e65dad4b386f….jpg)

kill yourself nigger. you will never be aryan skibid toilet


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A bidenbro shill infiltrator just received his first public ban on /qa2/ today.
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File: 1719031289651.png (47.98 KB, 800x650, 10090 - crying laughing mo….png)

>Frogtrannies got buck broken by a single image this hard


File: 1719032162434.png (1014.15 KB, 800x2052, 1717806646457.png)


File: 1719032886851.jpg (74.84 KB, 1050x720, 2314214124312.jpg)


Yes. Is that a problem, georgedy?


File: 1719176223968.png (88.24 KB, 1060x728, 1719156936829915.png)

Second time today

File: 1714118349550.jpg (252.89 KB, 1360x1920, 1549620483323.jpg)


Which 2hus would you ask for the following?

HARD MODE: Only one 2hu per sex act.
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the fact that I share this earth with people like this makes me sad


Handjob: Raiko
Blowjob: Seija
Pitjob: Reimu
Paizuri: Aya
Buttjob: Ran
Vaginal: Nue
Anal: Murasa
Sumata: Raiko
Footjob: Iku

If it wasn't for
>HARD MODE: Only one 2hu per sex act.
It would all be Nue, Murasa and Seija.


air raid


consider yourself blocked on my twitter.com


File: 1719176203143.png (258.97 KB, 758x1121, LOL.png)

this fucking gif

File: 1698520255019.jpeg (957.31 KB, 1500x1703, cbd1f0b103558931113b59439….jpeg)


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Her arm came back???


It never left, she just wanted to appear muh tradcath to lure betabuxxers


pregnancy was regenerative


File: 1717702395373.jpg (340.69 KB, 807x600, 1e575ba86d1b08d15ee3b78b37….jpg)

How many eggs does a Wriggle lay though?


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File: 1718309697333-0.png (300.6 KB, 645x751, 1693828479034.png)

File: 1718309697333-1.jpg (322.51 KB, 1920x1600, F6uIVM6WoAA1iGp.jpg)


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the source for this is lost media


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N-no way…




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File: 1718637793259.mp4 (22.55 MB, 960x720, 1718583924548c.mp4)


I do this btw
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File: 1718838289778.png (350.33 KB, 500x500, WEF Guy becomes a Very Hap….png)

>I do this btw


File: 1719043210343.mp4 (6.81 MB, 1280x856, obsessed_with_mi_2.mp4)


O algo

File: 1716775718783.jpg (733.59 KB, 2892x4096, 871f531ba6e23511e661f51867….jpg)


warm in more ways than one
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I don't know what my cutie mark would be


air raid


consider yourself blocked on my twitter.com


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>consider yourself blocked on my twitter.com


File: 1719175165144.jpg (15.1 KB, 311x347, 1694416049546.jpg)

>consider yourself blocked on my twitter.com

File: 1716906900472.png (33.8 KB, 806x567, 2202 - kaku_seiga sukusuku….png)


rare hermit whale
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