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[View News - 06/10/24]

PSA Blotter

06/10/24 .webp and .swf (with Ruffle) are here
06/05/24 Mobile rizz page... just got an apply button.
04/22/24 Updated embeds - New /j/ replacement
04/01/24 /bant/ no culture
01/10/24 Site upgrades and NSFW filter; click "Options" to test it out.
01/06/24 Triumph of the Whale (formatting)
12/23/23 Big Christmas Thing!
11/18/23 /j/ has been unlocked for site meta and to contain non-otaku shit
11/17/23 Removed all anti-spam. The hood has survived one month.
11/07/23 Upgraded rizz. Added recent. Fixed large file uploads breaking.
11/06/23 The hood has breached 1000
11/03/23 log is out. It's called ORIN. It's because 3 syllables is bad for mewing.
10/15/23 Flags? DONE. Visit >>>/rizz/
10/13/23 Holy FUARK. The circlejerk got LEAKED and there was an INVASION.
09/14/23 New playground invented: /bant/ - International/Random

(For file deletion.)

RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

[Orin] [Archive]

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trying to figure out which episode i left the sopranos at 4 months ago
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are you female


He's an enbie


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still dont know what a non-binary is supposed to be


some gender thats neither man nor woman, duh

pretending and/or actually being too retarded to understand made-up liberal shit isn't exactly the best way of convincing them that there shit is all retarded


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why would i wanna convince them they're retarded i want them to keep suffering

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Yesterday I've seen a 8-12y/o 7/10 girl with some girly faggy outfit that little girls wear. She had some pinky tranny headphones and a gay porkyman bag. She placed some retarded anime badges on it. One of them however was drastically different from the rest. It was some kind of amalgamation of weird colors. I figured it was a lgbt flag. Yup, it was a dyke flag. Do they think homosexualism is a cute personality trait or something? Like muh wholesome anime sexuality.
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Walked by xir
Sorry not sorry, the Bible says you must share


There used to be whenever I would go for a walk around my block this one 10-13y/o brown haired white girl who I never saw wearing anything other than this loose white pajamas dress and carrying around a teddy bear and being barefoot even when walking on the sidewalk on a walk with her family also she always looked kind of high, idk if she thought she was quirky or what


2/10 bitches think they are 8/10 if not all 10. Ugly girls should be killed en masse


ain't no one is stroking to that shit 💀💀💀


>👣 submissive foot boy by night
>🍉 free palestine
This… could be racism

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Just installed my Air Conditioner
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This was the first time I said the nword on bbc


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dude's so fucked in the head he feels a need to reply to his own 2 day old post


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this is like when shadow takes off his inhibitor rings

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play it on pc
literally 3 clicks


doesnt load on my browser must be web 3.0 trash


Uhh ohh, another shitcoin shill.


This shit was taking too fucking long to load so I gave up. What is that?


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the spikeman

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>Back to the drawing board, genius!
The delivery is so cold. So hood. Sniper is a G for that.
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the only time i ever used utau was to make miku say nigger


Notice how she NEVER says nigger unless she's forced to by georges. Hate lost.


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i dont think miku does anything by herself dumbass she's a robot


File: 1718926276854.webm (Spoiler Image, 3.97 MB, 1280x720, Jada.webm)

>The delivery is so cold. So hood. Sniper is a G for that.


Watch out, you might attract low iq numbskulls to this thread, those who dont understand the inherent humor of gay black pornography

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36 minutes until the Elden Ring DLC drops.
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Letty in this picture isnt very fat da ze
She is slightly plump but this is good actually. Any bigger and she would be fat doe


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buddy if she's not skin and bones then she's fat


the fat keep her warm in the winter duh


tits made for squeezing


winter blubber i always imagined but im probably way off

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I just got insider info from last night's meltdown and it's fucking hilarious, apparently a gang of weabs, shariahblue and deep state raiders, bidenbros, soitrannies, mossad infiltrators, paid shills, and demoncrats tried to sabotage /qa2/ and shit it up with all their obnoxious kikespam and low quality shillposting and Trumpflare automatically sorted this out at the exact moment they were spamming the promised land and all subsequently started having a collective meltdown, each and every single one of them is a pedophile groomer preying on underage girls and boys btw mind you, and they perpetrate this act by luring them into their Soros-funded enclaves they're inhabiting and lecture them on "how we should fight the evil fascist nazis observing their honor and tradition and freedom" because they're just that jealous we have more power and influence than they ever could. In turn, they tried to exploit a backdoor within /qa2/'s system but was quickly patched before they could get their hands on it and now they are dilating and seething over their attempts not going anywhere, and it's ALL because of freedom's merit. This happens when you try to mess with the name of freedom, you try to infest our home and tarnish our honor, you get blammed out on a whim by our powerful and effective technology. Praise Kek!
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Hold the position




you already posted this and it wasn't funny then. And it isn't funny now.


It was incredibly funny on the first read. And it's old.

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>traditional Chinese medicine
The Asian snake oil
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they look like smiling friends characters.


The video will give you context.


im talking about the picture on isolation


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I dunno why Wriggle in that particular image is upset. Use your imagination I guess.


She's just concentrating.

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ff tomorrow
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The person who posted that is bald


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>The person who posted that is bald


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froggers look like THAT?!

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Guys dont clk its a virus

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If Eirin is House, then which Touhou character would be Wilson?


ive never seen house but i think it would be kyouko


is that like those things on youtube shorts with the autistic doctor whos always right about everything but no one believes him


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yeah his name is actually not doctor house it's doctor mary sue.

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if you dont eat your food while on the computer youre not an actual human
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File: 1718903516600.jpg (133.7 KB, 540x810, 54719131_p12.jpg)

>gunk always builds up on my keyboard and mouse even though I dont do this
wow you make shit build up dirt just by existing around it


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I eat my food while on the computer but i'm a youkai


Youkai more like yougay


>self-inserting as kokoro
MegaPig9001… I kneel…


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Don't ever use my likeness again you disgusting turk.

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now thats what i call a negro of average stature


Only in America


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How are these people comfortable with what they are doing? Is this self expression or something


this one in particular makes money by pretending to be a crazy homeless person and then having someone "random" film him

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>stop gooning


Gooning is anti-semitic, only people with forskin can do it



i was about to post something weird thankfully i didnt


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trying to play warzone and i downloaded the game but it only downloads the launcher and not the full game itself so u need to wait another couple hours after ur done downloading 80 gigs modern gaming is great
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File: 1718883731170.jpg (291.82 KB, 850x591, sample_37511afe6b768f84ce9….jpg)

Just install Linux Mint or something, also next time you buy a PC get one from Star Labs, Tuxedo computers, System76, or the DIY version of a Framework laptop.
Shrimple as that plus you get to deny the Anti Christ of the tech world your shekels.


i will continue to play cod and shit on kids
its the small things in life that bring joy


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he gets it


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i understand their argument but honestly its better just get a separate weaker system for any linux distribution since frankly linux has dogshit game support and youll probably just using it to browse the interwebs without being tracked
no reason to get a pc capable of running modern games and crippling it with le linux meme


DONT install linux mint it SUCKS ASS

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